Keboola Platform Onboarding

Welcome to the Keboola onboarding guide! Whether you’ve completed your proof of concept project or are stepping up from the free tier, this guide will help you navigate through it.

Check out the complete overview of the Keboola platform here.

Build a Solid Foundation

We recommend starting with a good plan. It will give you a good foundation for your further work with Keboola. If your plan is smaller, covering one or two Keboola projects, you may not need all these steps. Here’s what you might skip if that’s the case:

  1. Create a Keboola Platform Usage Blueprint
  2. Design a Multi-Project Architecture (optional)
  3. Business Data Model Methodology
  4. Keboola Governance Details

Create a Keboola Platform Usage Blueprint

Use our template to create a blueprint that fits your company. This includes:

  • Selecting organization administrators
  • Setting up a project access request system, possibly with approval steps
  • Choosing main contacts
  • Laying down basic rules, including naming and security guidelines

Design a Multi-Project Architecture

This step is entirely optional.

Check out our guide for creating a multi-project setup, which helps organize data tasks across several Keboola projects.

Business Data Model Methodology

Our Business Data Model guide helps you to keep your data flexible and efficient, which is especially useful with multiple projects.

Keboola Governance Details

Our governance guide teaches you to monitor usage and costs, plus enhance security.

Get Your Hands On!

It’s time to get practical:

  • Analysts: Get your data analysis ready.
  • Data Engineers: Use Keboola’s full range of features for pipeline development and automation.
  • Advanced Analysts: Use our secure analytical workspaces for everything from analytics to machine learning.
  • Developers: Add to the platform with new components or API integration.

Helpful Resources

Cheat Sheet: Embracing Best Practices

Mastering Keboola means knowing how to set up components, automate workflows, and more. Here’s a cheat sheet to help you along.

Enjoy exploring Keboola!