
This data source connector helps you import data from Pingdom.

Pingdom is a service for monitoring the uptime and performance of your servers, websites, and web applications.

Create a New Application API Key

Before you can start configuring your Pingdom connector, you must obtain an application key. To do that, log in to your account on the Pingdom site.

Then, continue to the Integrations > The Pingdom Api section and click the Register Application button.

Pingdom Api key list

Fill in the required fields of the registration form.

  • Application name – Name your application – for example, Keboola Pingdom Connector.
  • Description – Enter a description.
  • Application type – Select the Public option.
  • Platform – Select the Server option.

Pingdom API registration

When registration is finished, copy the Application Key and save it. You will need it when creating your connector configuration in Keboola.

Pingdom API key


Create a new configuration of the Pingdom data source. Provide credentials of your Pingdom account and the Application Key.

  • Email address – your account login name
  • Password
  • Application API key

Screenshot - Pingdom Configuration

Choose the period you want to fetch data for.

  • Last 24 hours
  • Last 3O daysPingdom API provides history only for up to 30 days before the current day

And finally, select the data Basic template and click on Save. You can also switch to the JSON editor.

Extraction Output Tables

1 – Checks

This table contains an overview of all checks:

Column Description
id [PK] Integer representation of the unique identifier for the check
name Check name
type Check type (tcp, https, dns, etc.)
lasterrortime Unix timestamp of the last error, in case an error occurs
lasttesttime Unix timestamp of the last test, in case the check was already tested
lastresponsetime Response time of the last test (in milliseconds)
status Current status of the check (up, down, unconfirmed_down, unknown, paused)
resolution Number of minutes, how often should the check be tested
hostname Target hostname
use_legacy_notifications Use legacy (UP/DOWN) notifications (1 if enabled)
alert_policy Alert policy identifier
alert_policy_name Alert policy name
created Unix timestamp of check creation
ipv6 Use ipv6 instead of ipv4

2 – Checks-detailed

Detailed information of all checks:

Column Description
id [PK] Integer representation of the unique identifier for the check
name Check name
hostname Target hostname
status Current status of the check (up, down, unconfirmed_down, unknown, paused)
resolution Number of minutes, how often a check should be tested
sendtoemail Send alerts as an email (1 if enabled)
sendtosms Send alerts as SMS (1 if enabled)
sendtotwitter Send alerts through Twitter (1 if enabled)
sendtoiphone Send alerts to iPhone (1 if enabled)
sendtoandroid Send alerts to Android (1 if enabled)
sendnotificationwhendown Send notification when down n times (integer)
notifyagainevery Notify again every n result (integer)
notifywhenbackup Notify when back up again (1 if enabled)
lasterrortime Unix timestamp of the last error in case an error occurs
lasttesttime Unix timestamp of the last test in case the check was already tested
lastresponsetime Response time (in milliseconds) of the last test
created Unix timestamp of check creation
ipv6 Use ipv6 instead of ipv4

3 – Checks-tags

All checks tags:

Column Description
name Tag name
type Type of the tag (u tagged by user, a auto tagged by system)
count Number of this tag in check
checks_detailed_pk Check identifier

4 – Checks-contacts

This table represents relations between checks and contacts:

Column Description
contacts_pk Contact identifier
checks_detailed_pk Check identifier

5 – Contacts

All contact data:

Column Description
id [PK] Integer representation of the unique identifier for the check
name Contact name
email Contact email
cellphone Contact cellphone
countryiso Cellphone country ISO code
defaultsmsprovider Default SMS provider
directtwitter Send Twitter messages as Direct Messages
twitteruser Twitter username
paused 1 if the contact is paused

6 – Probes

The Pingdom probe servers list:

Column Description
id [PK] Integer representation of the unique identifier for the probe
name Probe name
countryiso Country ISO code
city City
region Region of probe (NA for North America, EU for Europe, etc)
hostname DNS name
ip IP address
ipv6 IPV6 address
active 1 if probe currently active

7 – Results

Raw test results for all checks:

Column Description
probes_pk [PK] Probe identifier
checks_pk [PK] Check identifier
time [PK] Time when the test was performed as unix timestamp
status Result status (up, down, unconfirmed_down, unknown, paused)
responsetime Response time (in milliseconds) (Will be 0 if no response received)
statusdesc Short result status description
statusdesclong Long result status description
analysis_pk Analysis identifier

8 – Credits

Information about current plan limits, SMS credits and SMS auto-refilling:

Column Description
availablesms SMS credits remaining
availablesmstests SMS provider tests remaining
autofillsms Automatically refill your SMS credits (1 if enabled)
autofillsms_amount Number of credits to refill
autofillsms_when_left Automatically refill when n SMS credits left
defaultchecklimit Checks: Total slots
availabledefaultchecks Checks: Remaining free slots
useddefault Checks: Number of used slots

9 – Alerts

Detailed information on generated alerts:

Column Description
checks_pk [PK] Identifier of the check
contacts_pk [PK] Identifier of the alerted contact
time [PK] Unix timestamp of alert creation
via [PK] Alert medium (email, sms, twitter, iphone or android)
contactname Name of the alerted contact
status Alert status (sent, delivered, error, notdelivered or nocredits)
messageshort A short description of the message
sentto Target address, phone number etc.
charged 1 if the account was charged for this message