Microsoft Outlook (Office 365)

Microsoft Outlook data source connector for Office 365 is based on IMAP. It allows you to download emails and their attachments from Office 365 accounts.


Create a new configuration of the MS Outlook connector. Then click Authorize Account to authorize the configuration.

IMAP Settings

To configure the connection, please specify following parameters in IMAP Settings:

User Name

Your email address, for example:


Address of the IMAP server. Use for Office 365.


Port of the IMAP server. Use 993 for Office 365.

Row Configuration

Click the Add Row button and name the row accordingly.

Search query

Fill in a Search query to filter only the emails you want. By default all emails are downloaded. The most common usecase would be to filter the emails by the Subject and Sender, e.g. (FROM "" SUBJECT "the subject"). You can create much more complex queries if needed. Refer to the query syntax for more examples.

IMAP Folder

Folder to get the emails from. Defaults to the root folder INBOX. For example a label name in GMAIL = folder.

Mark seen

When checked, emails that have been extracted will be marked as seen in the inbox.

Period from date

Use this field to filter only emails received since the specified date. This field supports fixed dates in a format YYYY-MM-DD as well as relative date period e.g. yesterday, 1 month ago, 2 days ago, etc. We recommend setting this to cover some safety interval, for example 2 days ago when scheduled to run every day. The data is always upserted incrementally, so there won’t be any duplicates in the resulting table.

Download Content

Check this option to download email content.

Download attachments

When set to true, also the attachments will be downloaded. You may use regex pattern to filter only attachments that are matching your definition.

For example to match only pdf files you can use .+\.pdf pattern. If left empty, all attachments are downloaded.

By default, the files are downloaded into the File Storage. Use processors to control the behaviour.



Single table named emails containing the email contents.

The results are always inserted incrementally to avoid duplicates.

Columns: ['pk', 'uid', 'mail_box', 'date', 'from', 'to', 'body', 'headers', 'number_of_attachments', 'size']


Attachments are stored by default in the File Storage prefixed by the generated message pk. bb41793268d4a8710fb5ebd94eaed6bc_some_file.pdf.

The files will contain additional tags to distinguish the source:

Screenshot - Tags

Additional tags can be specified by the Create File Manifest processor or further processed and stored in the Table Storage by other processors.