Telemetry Data

Note: Initially, the Keboola platform was referred to as Keboola Connection (KBC). While it is now simply known as Keboola, references to “Connection” or the abbreviation “KBC” might still appear in table names, column names, etc.

The Telemetry Data connector allows you to retrieve data about your project or your entire organization. It helps you monitor activities and usage in your Keboola projects. It also aids Keboola in calculating your project’s consumption.

If you don’t need to work directly with the data or would like to see it in graphical form in Keboola, you can check the Telemetry Dashboards.


To configure the data source connector, select one of the following modes:

  1. Project mode: Extracts data only from a selected Keboola project.
  2. Organization mode: Extracts data from all projects within your organizations. The data is compiled into a single target project. This must be set up by Keboola. After configuring the connector, contact your Keboola Account Manager or our support team.
  3. Activity Center mode: Extracts data from all projects within your organizations. The data is compiled into a single target project. This mode is available to customers who have the Activity Center add-on in their contract and also must be set up by Keboola. After configuring the connector, contact your Keboola Account Manager or our support team.

Data Model

The model below helps you better understand relations between individual tables extracted by this component. Keep in mind that the tables contact_limit_monthly, kbc_organization, and usage_metric are extracted only in Organization mode. The model does not contain tables available in Activity Center mode.

Screenshot - Telemetry data model

Note: You can find the schema in full resolution and with several export options here.

Project Mode Tables

The extracted tables provide you with information about your buckets, configurations, branches, jobs, sandboxes, projects, users, and security events.


This table shows snapshots of buckets in Storage.

Column Description Example
bucket_id (PK) Identifier for the storage bucket 1147628
kbc_project_id (PK) Foreign key to a Keboola project 866_kbc-eu-central-1
snapshot_date (PK) Date of the data snapshot 2020-06-30
stage Storage stage of the bucket in
bucket Default name of the bucket c-instagram
bucket_display_name Name of the bucket that can be changed by the user (if not changed, it is the same as bucket without c- at the beginning) instagram_posts
rows Number of rows in the bucket as of the date of the snapshot 4714
bytes Size of the bucket in bytes as of the date of the snapshot 1870336
sharing_type Type of bucket sharing (Data Catalog).
Possible values: none – not shared,
target – bucket linked from another project,
source / org private – bucket shared from this project, linkable only by organization members
source / org public – bucket shared from this project, linkable by any project members
shared_from_project_id Identifier of the source project if the bucket is linked (sharing_type = ‘target’) 860_kbc-eu-central-1
shared_from_bucket Identifier of the source bucket if the bucket is linked (sharing_type = ‘target’) in.c-keboola-ex-instagram-152387726
is_external_schema Flag indicating if the bucket contains data from external sources (1, 0) 1
kbc_branch_id (PK) Foreign key to the Keboola branch 3419_kbc-eu-central-1


This table shows main and development branches in the project.

Column Description Example
kbc_branch_id (PK) Keboola Branch identifier 3419_kbc-eu-central-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to a Keboola project 866_kbc-eu-central-1
kbc_branch Name of the branch My dev branch
kbc_branch_created_at Datetime of the branch creation 2022-05-18 06:13:45
is_default Determines if the branch is the main (default) branch (true, false) false
token_id Identifier of the token that created this branch 241247
token_name Name of the token that created this branch
kbc_token_id Unique identifier of the token containing stack identification 241247_kbc-us-east-1


This table lists the configurations of components (e.g., a configuration of the AWS S3 data source connector).

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_component_configuration_id (PK) Identifier for the component configuration 580_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.python- transformation-v2-610931033
kbc_component_configuration_url URL of the configuration in the Keboola project admin/projects/580/transformations/ bucket/152336525
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 580_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_component_id Identifier of the component keboola.python-transformation-v2
kbc_component Name of the component Generic
kbc_component_type Identifier of the component type extractor
kbc_component_vendor Identifier of the component creator keboola
kbc_component_listing Identifier of the component visibility (public, private) public
configuration_id_num Numeric identifier of the configuration 610931033
kbc_component_configuration Name of the configuration Sample data from Dynamics
configuration_created Datetime when the configuration was created 2022-07-20 18:45:17
kbc_configuration_version Current version of the configuration 5
kbc_configuration_is_deleted Flag indicating whether the configuration is deleted (true, false) false
description Description of the component configuration (filled by the user) This transformation put the data from customers into standardize format.
configuration_json Complete JSON configuration of the component {"parameters":{"id":"34289954"}}
kbc_branch_id Foreign key to a Keboola branch 3419_kbc-eu-central-1
branch_type Differentiate between the default (production) and development branch default
token_id Identifier of the token that created this version of the configuration 241247
token_name Name of the token that created this version of the configuration
kbc_token_id Unique identifier of the token containing stack identification 241247_kbc-us-east-1
folder_name Unique identifier of the token containing stack identification Archive


This table shows the version history of the component configuration.

Column Description Example
kbc_component_configuration_id (PK) Identifier for the component configuration 6610_kbc-us-east-1_orchestrator-583757303
kbc_branch_id (PK) Foreign key to the Keboola branch 3419_kbc-eu-central-1
configuration_updated_at Datetime when the configuration was updated 2020-03-28 20:29:25
change_description Description of what changed in the configuration Update orchestration notifications
configuration_version (PK) Version of the configuration 3
last_version Flag indicating whether this is the last version of the configuration (true, false) false
token_id Identifier of the token that created this version of the configuration 241247
token_name Name of the token that created this version of the configuration
kbc_token_id Unique identifier of the token containing stack identification 241247_kbc-us-east-1


This table lists rows of the configurations for the components (e.g., a configuration for a single table in the Snowflake data destination connector).

Column Description Example
kbc_component_configuration_row_id (PK) Component configuration row identifier 8765_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.ex-db-mysql_844500148_844500150
kbc_component_configuration_id Foreign key to the Keboola component configuration 8765_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.ex-db-mysql_844500148
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 8765_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_component_id Identifier of the component keboola.ex-db-mysql_kbc-us-east-1
configuration_row_id_num Numeric identifier of the configuration row 844500150
kbc_component_configuration_row Name of the configuration row test_view
configuration_row_created Datetime of the configuration row’s creation 2022-04-25 11:59:42
kbc_configuration_row_version Current version of the configuration row 1
kbc_configuration_is_disabled Flag indicating whether the configuration is disabled (true, false) false
description Description of the component configuration row (filled by the user) This part of transformation consolidate the data from various sources.
configuration_row_json Complete JSON configuration row of the component {"parameters":{"incremental":false}}
token_id Identifier of the token that created this version of the configuration row 241247
token_name Name of the token that created this version of the configuration
kbc_token_id Unique identifier of the token containing stack identification 241247_kbc-us-east-1


This table lists Python/R workspaces/sandboxes and their consumption metrics.

Column Description Example
kbc_data_science_sandbox_resume_date_id (PK) Identifier of the sandbox active window (between starting and pausing the sandbox), including date 10910_kbc-eu-central-1_8c9e68ac-3a40-4aea-a62c-34ef37d12a5a_2024-08-05
kbc_data_science_sandbox_resume_id (PK) Identifier of the sandbox active window (between starting and pausing the sandbox) 10910_kbc-eu-central-1_8c9e68ac-3a40-4aea-a62c-34ef37d12a5a
kbc_data_science_sandbox_id Data science sandbox identifier 10910_kbc-eu-central-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola Project 1075-eu-central-1
date (PK) Date for which the runtime hours and time credits are calculated 2020-11-27
created_at Datetime of sandbox creation 2020-11-27 11:22:08
expiration_at Sandbox expiration datetime 2020-12-02 11:22:08
updated_at Datetime when the sandbox was last updated 2020-11-27 14:03:40
start_at Datetime when the sandbox resume window started 2020-11-27 11:22:08
sleep_at Datetime when the sandbox resume window ended 2020-11-27 14:03:40
type Type of the sandbox (jupyter, rstudio) jupyter
hostname Hostname of the sandbox
sandbox_runtime_hours Runtime of the sandbox on the particular date in hours 2.413333
backend_size Size of the data science backend Small
time_credits_used Number of time credits consumed by the sandbox on the particular date 2.413333
billed_credits_used Number of the actually billed credits 2.413333


This table lists Keboola jobs (e.g., a connector job or a transformation).

Column Description Example
kbc_job_id (PK) Keboola job identifier 117644387_kbc-eu-central-1
kbc_component_configuration_id Foreign key to the component configuration 410_kbc-eu-central-1_keboola.wr-google-sheets-259642632
kbc_component_configuration_row_id Foreign key to the Keboola component configuration row ["8765_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.ex-db-mysql_844500148_844500150"]
kbc_branch_id Foreign key to the Keboola branch 3419_kbc-eu-central-1
branch_type Identifier of the type of branch where the job is run (default, dev) 3419_kbc-eu-central-1
kbc_component_id Identifier of the component related to the job keboola.wr-google-sheets
transformation_type Type of the transformation, if applicable. Possible values:
OpenRefine, R, Python, SQL, Unknown: backend wasn’t recognized or a new backend not yet introduced, None – not a transformation job or encapsulating an apparent transformation job
credit_type Type of credit associated with the job. Possible values:
Does not necessarily represent actually used credit, as SQL and CDC credits are only consumed if they exist in the contract (info). The type of actually billed credit is defined in the kbc_usage_metrics_values table
job_run_id Run ID of the job – multiple jobs can run under the same Run ID 117643429.117644388
job_start_at Datetime when the job started 2020-03-15 11:59:39
job_created_at Datetime when the job was created 2020-03-15 11:59:38
job_status Status of the job (success, error, terminated, processing, cancelled, warning) success
error_type Type of error for unsuccessful jobs (user, application) user
error_message Message propagated in the error job event Transformation aborted with message...
job_run_type Specifies if the job was run by orchestration or manually (orchestration, manual) orchestration
job_type Indicates whether the job is a standard job or a container job, which encapsulates another job (such as Flow). Only standard jobs consume credits (standard, container, orchestrationContainer, phaseContainer) orchestration
token_id Identifier of the token that initiated the job 145062
token_name Name of the token that initiated the job Orchestrator GDrive
kbc_token_id Unique identifier of the token with stack identification 145062_kbc-eu-central-1
flow Name of the flow including the ID of the flow Telemetry (ID: 915976687)
job_time_credits_used Number of time credits consumed by the job 0.001218890000
job_billed_credits_used Number of actually billed credits 0.001218890000
job_total_time_sec Total time of the job in seconds (from initial trigger; start may be delayed) 63
job_run_time_sec Runtime of the job in seconds (from the time the job started) 62
job_network_mb Data transferred via the network in MB – used for data destination billing 6.094449
ds_backend_size Backend used for data science transformations (Small, Medium, Large) Small
dwh_small_ratio Ratio of Small DWH used for SQL transformations (sum of ratios may be <1, may partially run on free DWH) 0.75
dwh_medium_ratio Ratio of Medium DWH used for SQL transformations (sum of ratios may be <1, may partially run on free DWH) 0.25
dwh_large_ratio Ratio of Large DWH used for SQL transformations (sum of ratios might be <1, may partially run on free DWH) 0
backend_size Backend used for data science transformations (Small, Medium, Large) Small
company_id Identifier of the company the event belongs to 011t00000Gs3BiAAJ


This table shows data about Keboola projects belonging to an organization.

Column Description Example
kbc_project_id (PK) Keboola project identifier 1944_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id_num Project numeric identifier 1944
kbc_project Name of the project Sales Workshop - Kuba
kbc_project_region Region of the project us-east-1
kbc_project_cloud Cloud provider of the project aws
kbc_project_url URL of the project
kbc_organization_id Foreign key to the Keboola organization 116_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_created Datetime when the project was created 2017-09-04 14:26:40
kbc_project_deleted Datetime when the project was deleted 2017-10-19 14:26:49
kbc_project_is_deleted Determines if the project is deleted. true
kbc_project_expiration Datetime of the project’s expiration date 2017-10-25 10:13:57
kbc_project_type Type of the project. No actual impact on billing. Possible values:
demo, poc, poc15Days, poc15DaysGuideMode, poc30Days, poc6months, production, payAsYouGo
kbc_project_creator User that created the project


This table shows snapshots of projects to track changes in their size.

Column Description Example
kbc_project_id (PK) Foreign key to the Keboola project 1105_kbc-eu-central-1
snapshot_date (PK) Date of the data snapshot 2020-06-26
rows Number of rows in the project at the time of the snapshot 28137568882
bytes Data size of the project in bytes at the time of the snapshot 1071491549696


This table shows snapshots capturing the projects’ admins. The snapshots are taken multiple times a day.

Column Description Example
kbc_project_id (PK) Foreign key to the Keboola project 409_com-keboola-azure-north-europe
snapshot_time (PK) Datetime of the snapshot 2020-06-29 12:55:16
user_id (PK) Identifier of the user 2195
kbc_token_id (PK) Unique Keboola token identifier 516357_kbc-us-east-1
valid_from Datetime from which the user has been a member of the project 2020-03-28 11:19:47
email Email of the user
domain Email domain of the user
role Role of the user within Keboola admin
expires Date when the role expires 2023-06-20T17:59:04Z
invited_by_user_id User ID of the person that invited the user to the project 12_com-keboola-azure-north-europe
invited_by_email Email of the person that invited the user to the project
approved_by_user_id User ID of the person that approved the user’s invitation to the project 20_com-keboola-azure-north-europe
approved_by_email Email of the person that approved the user’s invitation to the project
reason States the reason for joining the project Check the transformation logic


This table shows information about queries using Snowflake, including transformations and sandboxes.

Column Description Example
kbc_project_id (PK) Foreign key to the Keboola project 458_kbc-eu-central-1
snowflake_job_start_at (PK) Datetime hour the jobs started (Snowflake jobs/queries are aggregated per hour) 2019-08-19 06:00:00
dwh_size (PK) Size of the DWH used Medium
snowflake_dwh (PK) DWH name KEBOOLA_PROD
snowflake_database (PK) DB name KEBOOLA_391
snowflake_schema (PK) Schema name WORKSPACE_146192784
snowflake_user (PK) User running the queries KEBOOLA_WORKSPACE_146192784
snowflake_job_type (PK) Type of the Snowflake job.
Possible values:
dwhm – queries run via DWH manager, sandbox – queries run in SQL sandbox, transformations – queries run in SQL transformations, writer – queries run against a Keboola-provisioned DB, sapi - queries related to the project’s Storage, platform_management - system queries related to management of the project
snowflake_job_result (PK) Result of the queries (Success, Error) Success
snowflake_queries Number of the queries aggregated by the primary key 19
snowflake_queries_length_s Length of the queries in seconds aggregated by the primary key 205.214000
time_credits_used Number of the time credits consumed by the queries 0.91206222224
billed_credits_used Number of the actually billed credits 0.91206222224


This table shows Storage table snapshots.

Column Description Example
table_id (PK) Storage table identifier in.c-GDU_Management.status
kbc_project_id (PK) Foreign key to the Keboola project 239_kbc-eu-central-1
snapshot_date (PK) Date of the data snapshot 2020-07-02
bucket_id Foreign key to the Keboola bucket 1695
created Datetime when the table was created 2020-07-02 08:27:03
last_import Datetime of the last import to the table 2020-07-02 08:33:39
table_name Name of the Storage table status
primary_key Primary key of the Storage table id
is_alias Indicates if the table is an alias (true, false) true
alias_column_sync Determines if the alias table should sync all the columns from the source table (true, false). true
source_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project the alias is coming from 20-eu-central-1
source_table_id Identifier of the source table out.c-GDUserManagement.status
alias_filter_column Column used to filter rows of the source table USER_ID
alias_filter_operator Type of the alias filter operator. Possible values:
eq – SQL “IN”
ne – SQL “NOT IN”
alias_filter_value Value the alias filter is filtering by ASNDUH8737D
rows Number of rows in the table 8
bytes Data size of the table in bytes 2048


This table shows aggregated values for all metrics that may be included in the contract, such as consumed credits, data in storage, and the number of users. This combines data from different data sources (tables), making it useful for providing an overview of consumption.

usage_breakdown data sources (which tables serve as sources for the results):

  • Applications - kbc_job (jobs with application component_type)
  • Data Science - kbc_job (jobs with R/Python transformation_type)
  • Data Science Sandbox - kbc_data_science_sandbox (aggregation of sandbox_runtime_hours)
  • DWH Direct Query - kbc_snowflake_stats (records with writer/dwhm snowflake_job_type)
  • Extractor - kbc_job (jobs with data source component_type)
  • KBC Users - kbc_project_user (Active/Inactive state is defined based on users’ activity in the last 3 days)
  • KBC Projects - kbc_project (existing projects per particular date)
  • KBC TB - kbc_project_snapshot (aggregation of bytes)
  • Snowflake Sandbox - kbc_snowflake_stats (records with sandbox snowflake_job_type)
  • Transfromations - kbc_job (jobs with SQL transformation_type)
  • Writers - kbc_job (jobs with data destination component_type)
  • BAPI Messages - Buffer API (data streams) usage; only aggregated values available
  • BAPI Receiver - Buffer API endpoints used; only aggregated values available

Note: organization_value and company_value are available in Organization mode only. You need data for all projects.

Column Description Example
metrics_values_id (PK) Identifier of the daily value of the usage metric (combination of the project ID, usage metric ID, metric breakdown, sandbox flag, and date) 779_kbc-eu-central-1_kbc_tb_KBC TB_false_2020-07-14
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 779_kbc-eu-central-1
usage_metric_id Identifier of the usage metric. Possible values:
kbc_ppu, sql_ppu, cdc_ppu, kbc_tb, kbc_users, kbc_projects
date Date of the value 2019-11-01
usage_breakdown Breakdown of the usage metric (still the same limit, but a more detailed view of consumption for some metrics). For instance, PPU can be broken down into data destination connectors, applications, and transformations. DWH Direct Query
is_sandbox Flag determining if the value is for sandbox true
value Value of the metric (always related to the particular metric, key-value pairs) 4.150657
organization_value Organization value of the metric (used for Keboola users, where we’re assigning distinct users to the single org project, so we’re not calculating users more than once when looking at organization value – a single user can be in multiple projects) 15
company_value Similar to the organization value, but it might give a different result if the company contains more organizations 12
time_credits_value Value in time credits for metrics calculated in credits 0.001667
run_time_hours Runtime value in hours for metrics calculated based on time 0.000278
jobs Number of jobs for relevant metrics 100


This table lists security events, such as project logins or token creations. The events might be related directly to the project, its organization, or the Keboola platform itself.

Column Description Example
security_event_id (PK) Security event identifier 2080005325_kbc-us-east-1
event_created Datetime of the event 2020-07-01 10:15:20
company_id Identifier of the company the event belongs to 011t00000Gs3BiAAJ
kbc_organization_id Foreign key to the Keboola organization (events can be related to a project, organization or the whole platform, e.g., failed logins) 211_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 5954_kbc-us-east-1
admin_email Email of the user participating in the event
admin_name Name of the user participating in the event Martin Matejka
admin_ip IP address from which the event was triggered
operation Type of the event operation. Possible values are listed in the table Security event operations below. auditLog.project.adminsListed
operation_params Additional operation parameters. Possible values are listed in the table Operation parameters below. password
token_id Token identifier if it’s a part of the event (e.g., token creation) 47949
token_description Token description if it’s a part of the event (e.g., token creation) token for linking shared bucket to project
kbc_token_id Unique identifier of the token containing stack identification 47949_kbc-us-east-1
context_admin_email Email of the user in the context with the event (e.g., invitation or admin removal)
context_admin_name Name of the user in the context with the event (e.g., invitation or admin removal) Martin Matejka
context_merge_request_id ID of the merge request (related to branch merge request events in SOX projects) 42
context_merge_request_name Name of the merge request (related to branch merge request events in SOX projects) Update of my configuration
context_operation Type of the merge request operation (request_review, finish_review, approve, merge, publish) request_review
context_state_from Original state of the merge request operation (development, in_review, approved, in_merge) in_review
context_state_to End state of the merge request operation (in_review, approved, in_merge, published) approved

Security event operations


Operation parameters

Updating project type: demo, poc, poc15Days, poc15DaysGuideMode, poc30Days, poc6months, production
Logging into pay-as-you-go project (PAYG): payAsYouGo
Logging into project via Google SSO: googleLogin
Password-related operations (incl. login via credentials): password

Organization Mode Tables

In addition to the tables provided to you by Project Mode, this mode adds information about your organizations, outlines the limits of your contracts, and includes a table with usage metrics. This table can be used as a common dimension for both contract limits and metric values.


This table lists the limits set in contracts for comparison with actual consumption.

Column Description Example
contract_limit_monthly_idPK|(PK) Identifier of the monthly limit of the usage metric (combination of the contract ID, usage metric ID, month, and limit type) 8011t000002V7W7AAK kbc_ppu 2019-08-01 contract
contract_id Identifier of the contract – there can be multiple active contracts at once 8011t000002V7W7AAK
usage_metric_id Identifier of the usage metric. Possible values:
kbc_ppu, kbc_tb, kbc_users, kbc_projects
date Month of the limit value 2019-08-01
limit_value Value of the limit for a particular month 3500
limit_type Usually labeled as contract, but it can be reimbursement in case of raised limits due to platform issues contract


This table shows data about Keboola organizations.

Column Description Example
kbc_organization_id (PK) Keboola organization identifier 225_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_organization_id_num Numerical organization identifier 225
kbc_organization Name of the organization Keboola Internal
kbc_maintainer_id Identifier of the Maintainer (the parent of the organization) 12_kbc-us-east-1
company_id Identifier of the company the event belongs to 011t00000Gs3BiAAJ
kbc_region Region of the organization us-east-1
kbc_cloud Cloud provider of the organization aws
kbc_organization_created_at Datetime of the organization’s creation 2013-12-31 10:22:33
kbc_organization_deleted_at Datetime of deletion, if the organization was deleted 2019-02-02 13:45:51
kbc_organization_is_deleted Flag indicating if the organization is deleted (true, false) true
kbc_organization_autojoin Flag indicating if Keboola Support can access projects in the organization without a confirmed request true
kbc_organization_url URL of the organization in Keboola admin/organizations/225/settings


This table shows metrics related to your contracts.

Column Description Example
usage_metric_id Identifier of the usage metric. Possible values:
kbc_ppu, kbc_tb, kbc_users, kbc_projects
usage_metric Name of the metric 2019-08-01
metric_type Defines whether the metric is calculated cumulatively over a period of time (like PPU) or whether it represents the actual total value on a particular date (like Projects).
Possible values:
cumulative, standard

Activity Center Mode Tables

In addition to the tables provided to you by Organization Mode, this mode ads information about columns, flows, notifications, schedules, storage metadata, tokens, transformations, triggers, user activity, and workspaces.


This table shows data about the current state of storage buckets.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
bucket_id Storage bucket identifier 1147628
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 866_kbc-eu-central-1
kbc_project_bucket_id (PK) Keboola bucket identifier 866_kbc-eu-central-1_1147628
stage Storage stage of the bucket in
bucket Default name of the bucket c-instagram
bucket_display_name Name of the bucket that can be changed by the user (if not changed, it is the same as bucket) instagram_posts
rows Number of rows in the bucket as of the date of the snapshot 4714
bytes Bucket size in bytes as of the date of the snapshot 1870336
sharing_type Type of the bucket sharing (Data Catalog).
Possible values: none – bucket not shared,
target – bucket linked from another project,
source / org private – bucket shared from this project, linkable only by organization members
source / org public – bucket shared from this project, linkable by any project members
shared_from_project_id Identifier of the source project if the bucket is linked (sharing_type = ‘target’) 860_kbc-eu-central-1
shared_from_bucket Identifier of the source bucket if the bucket is linked (sharing_type = ‘target’) in.c-keboola-ex-instagram-152387726
description Description of the bucket (filled by the user) twitter extractor raw data
is_external_schema Flag indicating if the bucket contains data from external sources (1, 0) 1
kbc_branch_id (PK) Foreign key to the Keboola branch 3419_kbc-eu-central-1


This table shows data about the current state of storage columns.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
column_id Storage column identifier in.c-in_sh_kbc_internal.kbc_schedule.kbc_token_id
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_column_id (PK) Keboola column identifier 7880_kbc-us-east-1_in.c-in_sh_kbc_internal.kbc_schedule.kbc_token_id
kbc_project_table_id Foregin key to the Keboola table 7880_kbc-us-east-1_in.c-in_sh_kbc_internal.kbc_schedule
column_name Name of the column kbc_token_id
sort Order of the column in the table 11


This table shows data about columns’ metadata.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_column_metadata_id (PK) Keboola column metadata identifier 1713681942_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_column_id Foreign key to the Keboola column 7880_kbc-us-east-1_out.c-kbc_public_telemetry.kbc_job.kbc_token_id
column_name Name of the column kbc_token_id
table_id Identifier of the storage table out.c-kbc_public_telemetry.kbc_job
composite_id Folder structure identifier 799945/storage/kbc_job/kbc_token_id
key Metadata key KBC.datatype.type
value Metadata value VARCHAR


This table shows data about particular phases of flows.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_flow_phase_id (PK) Keboola flow phase identifier 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.orchestrator_884004674_9
kbc_component_configuration_id Foreign key to the flow component configuration 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.orchestrator_884004674
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
phase_id Identifier of the phase 9
phase_name Name of the phase Load
depends_on_phase_id Identifiers of the phases this depends on (JSON array) [8]


This table shows data about flow tasks.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_flow_task_id (PK) Keboola flow task identifier 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.orchestrator_884004674_67558
kbc_flow_phase_id Foreign key to Keboola flow phase 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.orchestrator_884004674_9
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
task_id Identifier of the task 67558
task_name Name of the task keboola.wr-db-snowflake-952663182
task_enabled Flag indicating if the task is enabled true
continue_on_failure Flag indicating if the flow should run in case of a task failure false
mode Selected mode of the task run
task_component_id_orig Keboola component identifier keboola.wr-db-snowflake
task_configuration_id_num Numeric identifier of the task configuration 952663182
task_kbc_component_id Unique Keboola component identifier keboola.wr-db-snowflake_kbc-us-east-1
task_kbc_component_configuration_id Foreign key to the flow component configuration 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.wr-db-snowflake_952663182


This table shows data about all input tables of the job.

Column Description Example
kbc_job_id (PK) Keboola flow task identifier 963416992_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
table_id Identifier of the table in.c-in_sh_kbc_internal.kbc_project
kbc_project_table_id (PK) Foreign key to the Keboola Table 7880_kbc-us-east-1_in.c-in_sh_kbc_internal.kbc_project
table_name Name of the table kbc_project
mappings Number of times the table was used in the job input (i.e., one table can be used multiple times in the input mapping of the transformation) 1


This table shows data about all output tables of the job.

Column Description Example
kbc_job_id (PK) Keboola flow task identifier 909588277_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
table_id Identifier of the table out.c-kbc_billing.kbc_event
kbc_project_table_id (PK) Foreign key to the Keboola Table 7880_kbc-us-east-1_out.c-kbc_billing.kbc_event
table_name Name of the table kbc_event
mappings Number of times the table was used in the job output (i.e., one table can be written multiple times to the storage in the output mapping of the transformation) 1


This table shows data subscriptions to notifications sent by Keboola (mostly flow notifications).

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_notification_subscription_id (PK) Keboola notification subscription identifier 1083_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_component_configuration_id Foreign key to the flow component configuration 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.orchestrator_884004674
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_component_id Unique Keboola component identifier keboola.orchestrator_kbc-us-east-1
type Type of the notification project
created_at Datetime when the notification subscription was created 2022-07-29 08:39:09
deleted_at Datetime when the notification subscription was deleted 2022-12-01 08:39:28
event Defines event which triggers the notification job-succeeded-with-warning
recipient_channel Channel the notification is sent through email
recipient_address Address of the recipient


This table shows data about users in organizations.

Column Description Example
kbc_organization_id (PK) Foreign key to the Keboola organization 141_kbc-us-east-1
snapshot_time (PK) Date of the snapshot 2023-07-25
user_id (PK) Unique identifier of the user 53_kbc-us-east-1
valid_from Datetime from which the user is a member of the organization 2019-11-12 14:06:02
email Email of the user
domain Email domain of the user
invated_by_email Email of the inviter


This table shows data about configuration schedules.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_schedule_id (PK) Keboola schedule identifier 21860_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_scheduler_configuration_id Foreign key to the scheduler component configuration 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.scheduler_884004680
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
mode Mode of the schedule execution run
tag Tag associated with the schedule mytag
crontab Crontab definition of the schedule 55 2 * * *
crontab_timezone Timezone of the crontab UTC
state Current state of the schedule enabled
kbc_component_configuration_id Foreign key to the configuration of the scheduled component 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.orchestrator_884004679
kbc_component_id Unique identifier of the scheduled Keboola component keboola.orchestrator_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_token_id Foreign key to the Keboola token 516358_kbc-us-east-1
token_name Name of the token [_internal] Daily Scheduler


This table shows data about the current state of storage tables.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_project_table_id (PK) Unique Keboola storage table identifier 7880_kbc-us-east-1_in.c-in_sh_kbc_internal.kbc_project_user
table_id Storage table identifier in.c-in_sh_kbc_internal.kbc_project_user
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_bucket_id Foreign key to the Keboola bucket 7880_kbc-us-east-1_729486
last_snapshot_date Date when the last table snapshot was taken 2020-10-07
created Datetime when the table was created 2020-10-07 12:29:25
last_import Datetime of the last import to the table 2023-08-17 08:00:12
table_name Name of the Storage table kbc_project_user
primary_key Primary key of the Storage table kbc_project_id,snapshot_time,user_id
is_alias Determines if the table is an alias (true, false) true
alias_column_sync Determines if the alias table should sync all the columns from the source table (true, false). true
source_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project the alias is coming from 7874_kbc-us-east-1
source_table_id Identifier of the source table out.c-kbc_internal.kbc_project_user
alias_filter_column Column used to filter rows of the source table user_id
alias_filter_operator Type of the alias filter operator. Possible values:
eq – SQL “IN”
ne – SQL “NOT IN”
alias_filter_value Value the alias filter is filtering by ASNDUH8737D
rows Number of rows in the table 16362276
bytes Data size of the table in bytes 294944256
description Description of the table (filled by the user) Table provides information on customer behaviour


This table shows data about events of the storage tables.

Column Description Example
kbc_table_event_id (PK) Unique Keboola table event identifier 7103338092_kbc-us-east-1
table_id Storage table identifier in.c-in_sh_kbc_internal.kbc_flow_task
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_table_id Foreign key to the Keboola table 7880_kbc-us-east-1_in.c-in_sh_kbc_internal.kbc_flow_task
event_created_at Datetime the table was created 2023-06-14 00:13:23
event Table event which occurred storage.tableImportDone
event_type Type of the event success
message Message describing the event Imported table in.c-in_sh_kbc_internal.kbc_flow_task
params Parameters of the event (JSON object) {"importId":"985123712","incremental":true,"source":{"dataObject":"out_kbc_flow_task","type":"workspace","tableName":"out_kbc_flow_task","workspaceId":"985122240"}}
results Results of the event (JSON object). {"rowsCount":"272800","sizeBytes":15412736}
kbc_token_id Foreign key to the Keboola token 516356_kbc-us-east-1
token_name Name of the token orchestration trigger


This table shows data about metadata of the storage tables.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_table_metadata_id (PK) Unique Keboola table metadata identifier 1709268888_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_table_id Foreign key to the Keboola table 7880_kbc-us-east-1_out.c-kbc_billing.daily_credit_changes
composite_id Folder structure identifier 729487/storage/daily_credit_changes
key Metadata key
value Metadata value out_daily_credit_changes


This table shows data about the storage tokens.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_token_id (PK) Unique Keboola token identifier 516357_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
company_id Identifier of the company the event belongs to 011t00000Gs3BiAAJ
description Name of the token [_internal] Main Scheduler
created Datetime when the token was created 2022-07-29 08:39:08
expires Datetime when the token expires 2024-07-29 08:39:08
refreshed Datetime when the token was refreshed 2022-07-29T08:39:08Z
is_disabled Flag indicating if the token is disabled false
can_manage_buckets Flag indicating if the token can manage storage buckets true
can_manage_tokens Flag indicating if the token can manage other tokens false
can_read_all_file_uploads Flag indicating if the token can read storage file uploads true
can_purge_trash Flag indicating if the token can purge project trash false
component_access Defines if the token has access to only a specific component orchestrator
is_master_token Defines is the token is a master (generally user’s personal token) false
daily_capacity Daily operations capacity of the token (currently not used by the backend) 5
created_by_token_id Foreign key to the creator Keboola token 287689_kbc-us-east-1
created_by_token_name Name of the creator token


This table shows data about events of the storage tokens.

Column Description Example
kbc_token_event_id (PK) Unique Keboola token event identifier 7104199256_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
event_created_at Datetime when the table was created 2023-06-14 06:03:10
event Token event which occurred storage.tokenCreated
event_type Type of the event info
target_kbc_token_id Foreign key to the Keboola token related to the event 593967_kbc-us-east-1
target_kbc_token_name Name of the Keboola token related to the event [_internal] Scheduler for 985200312 Scheduler
kbc_token_id Foreign key to the Keboola token creating the event 287689_kbc-us-east-1
token_name Name of the token creating the event


This table shows data about codes of transformations.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_transformation_code_id (PK) Unique Keboola transformation code identifier 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.snowflake-transformation_867148197_Product Stickiness
kbc_component_configuration_id Foreign key to the transformation component configuration 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.snowflake-transformation_867148197
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
code_name Name of the transformation code Product Stickiness
code_script Script in the code block (JSON object) ["--speed up queries by some deletes\nCREATE TABLE \"kbc_usage_metrics_values_filtered\"\nAS\n SELECT...


This table shows data about inputs of transformations.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_transformation_input_id (PK) Unique Keboola transformation input identifier 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.snowflake-transformation_854061922_kbc_column_metadata
kbc_component_configuration_id Foreign key to the transformation component configuration 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.snowflake-transformation_854061922
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
changed_since Changed since data filter value -12 hours
destination Destination table in the transformation workspace kbc_column_metadata
source Source storage table out.c-kbc_public_telemetry_preprocess.kbc_column_metadata
where_column Column to filter by kbc_project_stack
where_operator Column filter operator eq
where_values Column filter value (JSON array) ["com-keboola-azure-north-europe"]


This table shows data about input columns of transformations. Available only for non-clone mappings.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_transformation_input_column_id (PK) Unique Keboola transformation input column identifier 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.snowflake-transformation_854061913_kbc_job_job_storage_mb
kbc_transformation_input_id Foreign key to transformation input 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.snowflake-transformation_854061913_kbc_job
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
column Input column name job_storage_mb
column_type Data type of the column VARCHAR
column_length Maximum length of the column 16777216
convert_empty_values_to_null Flag indicating if the empty values should be converted to NULL false


This table shows data about outputs of the transformations.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_transformation_output_id (PK) Unique Keboola transformation output identifier 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.snowflake-transformation_854061913_out.c-kbc_billing.kbc_data_science_sandbox
kbc_component_configuration_id Foreign key to the transformation component configuration 7880_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.snowflake-transformation_854061913
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
incremental Flag indicating if the data should be written to the destination table incrementally true
destination Destination storage table out.c-kbc_billing.kbc_data_science_sandbox
source Source table in the transformation workspace out_kbc_data_science_sandbox
primary_key Primary key of the table (JSON array) ["kbc_data_science_sandbox_resume_id","date"]
delete_where_column Column used to identify records to delete before storage import kbc_project_stack
delete_where_operator Column filter operator eq
delete_where_values Column filter value (JSON array) ["com-keboola-azure-north-europe"]


This table shows data about triggers.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_trigger_id (PK) Unique Keboola trigger identifier 1773_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7874_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_component_configuration_id Foreign key to the component configuration which is being triggered 7874_kbc-us-east-1_keboola.orchestrator_884004642
kbc_component_id Unique identifier of Keboola component of the triggered configuration keboola.orchestrator_kbc-us-east-1
state State of the trigger charging
cool_down_period_minutes Defines a time period before the trigger can be run again 5
last_run Datetime of the last run 2022-08-03 11:53:19
updated Datetime of the last trigger update 2022-08-03 11:53:20
run_with_token_id Foreign key to the Keboola token triggering the job 516356_kbc-us-east-1
run_with_token_name Name of the token triggering the job Orchestration trigger
created_by_token_id Foreign key to the Keboola token creating the trigger 516354_kbc-us-east-1
created_by_token_name Name of the token creating the trigger


This table shows data about tables used to trigger jobs.

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_trigger_table_id (PK) Unique Keboola trigger table identifier 5700_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_trigger_id Foreign key to the Keboola trigger 1773_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7874_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_table_id Foreign key to the Keboola table triggering the job 7874_kbc-us-east-1_out.c-kbc_billing.trigger
table_id Identifier of the storage table triggering the job out.c-kbc_billing.trigger


This table shows data about basic activity of project users (job runs and configuration updates).

Column Description Example
kbc_user_id (PK) Keboola user email address (activity can be tracked across stacks)
kbc_project_id (PK) Foreign key to the Keboola project related to the activity 7880_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_component_id (PK) Identifier of the Keboola component related to the activity keboola.wr-db-snowflake_kbc-us-east-1
date (PK) Date the activity occurred 2023-08-14
activity_type (PK) Type of the activity (Job Run, Configuration Update and None to see that the user did nothing) Job Run
activities Number of activities (number of run job or configuration updates) 3
last_project_activity Flag indicating if the activity is the last activity of the user in the project true


This table shows data about existing workspaces. Unlike SQL and Data Science sandboxes, this table includes all workspaces of the project (i.e., those created by transformations).

Note: The table is always extracted in full.

Column Description Example
kbc_workspace_id (PK) Unique Keboola workspace identifier 985088171_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
workspace_creator Foreign key to the Keboola table John Doe
workspace_created Datetime when the workspace was created 2023-06-13 20:41:42.268
workspace_type Backend type of the workspace snowflake
workspace_active Flag indicating if the workspace is active 1
workspace_expired Datetime when the workspace expired (empty for active) 2023-07-18 10:20:56.384
workspace_hostname Hostname of the workspace
workspace_expire_hours Number of hours before the workspace expires due to inactivity (currently for data science workspaces) 1
workspace_start Datetime when the workspace started 2023-06-13T20:41:42.268Z
workspace_updated Datetime when the workspace was updated 2023-07-12T12:01:24.181Z
workspace_user User generated for the workspace SAPI_WORKSPACE_985088174
backend_size Backend size of the workspace small
storage_size_gb Size of the workspace (used for persistent workspaces) 2
kbc_token_id Foreign key to the Keboola token creating the workspace 287689_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_token_name Name of the token creating the workspace


This table shows data about workspace events.

Column Description Example
kbc_workspace_event_id (PK) Unique Keboola workspace event identifier 7236030887_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_workspace_id Foreign key to the Keboola workspace 985088171_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 7880_kbc-us-east-1
event_created_at Datetime when the workspace event was created 2023-07-23 06:23:19
event Description of the event storage.workspaceCreated
event_type Type of the event info
kbc_token_id Foreign key to the Keboola token creating the event 516357_kbc-us-east-1
kbc_token_name Name of the token creating the event [_internal] main scheduler


This table shows data about storage file events.

Column Description Example
kbc_file_event_id (PK) Unique Keboola file event identifier 7342403037_kbc-eu-central-1
kbc_project_id Foreign key to the Keboola project 2807_kbc-eu-central-1
event_created_at Datetime when the file event was created 2023-07-23 06:23:19
event Description of the event storage.fileUploaded
event_type Type of the event info
message Message describing the event Uploaded file in.c_in_sh_kbc_internal.kbc_flow_task.csv.gz
kbc_file_id Identifier of the file 759391664_kbc-eu-central-1
kbc_token_id Foreign key to the Keboola token creating the event 516357_kbc-eu-central-1
kbc_token_name Name of the token creating the event [_internal] main scheduler

dst_ Columns

Columns with the dst_ prefix are system columns used in Telemetry Data connector executions. They are not related to the data itself.

Data Recency

You can obtain telemetry data for your project that is approximately 3 hours old when running the connector.

Note: This is not guaranteed, as the raw data is processed before reaching the connector’s source; therefore delays in processing might occur.