Azure Storage Table

The Azure Storage Table data source connector allows you to fetch data from the

If you want to use


Create a new configuration of the Azure Storage Table connector.

Fill in the Connection String. Then click Save.

Screenshot - Extractor configuration

Click Add Row to add one or more configuration rows.

Screenshot - Extractor configuration

Fill in the Name, and, optionally, the Description. Then click Add Row.

Screenshot - Extractor configuration

In the Configuration Row, fill in the Configuration Parameters. Then click Save.

Screenshot - Extractor configuration

Configuration Parameters

  • table: string (required); the name of the input table in the Table storage
  • output: string (required); the name of the output CSV file
  • maxTries: integer (optional); the max number of retries if an error occurs; the default is 5
  • incremental: boolean (optional); enables Incremental Loading; the default is false
  • incrementalFetchingKey: string (optional); the name of the key for incremental fetching
  • mode: enum (optional)
    • mapping (default)
      • Row is exported using specified mapping.
    • raw
      • Row is exported as plain JSON strings.
      • Table will contain PartitionKey, RowKey and data columns.
  • mapping: string; required for mode = mapping

By default, the data source connector exports all rows and columns. It can be adjusted using the following settings:

  • select: string (optional); e.g., PartitionKey, RowKey, Name, Age
    • For raw mode, PartitionKey and RowKey fields must be present in the query results.
  • limit: integer (optional); the maximum number of exported rows; e.g., 500
  • filter: string (optional); OData query $filter; e.g., RowKey ge '2' and age gt 17


Raw mode – full load:

  "table": "my-table",
  "output": "output-table",
  "mode": "raw"

Mapping mode – full load:

  "table": "my-table",
  "output": "output-table",
  "mode": "mapping",
  "mapping": {
    "RowKey": {
      "type": "column",
      "mapping": {
        "destination": "rowKey",
        "primaryKey": true
    "updated_at": "updated_at",
    "business_name": "name",
    "result": "result"

Raw mode – incremental load:

  "table": "my-table",
  "output": "output-table",
  "mode": "raw",
  "incremental": true,
  "incrementalFetchingKey": "updated_at"

Mapping mode – incremental load:

  "table": "my-table",
  "output": "output-table",
  "mode": "mapping",
  "mapping": {
    "RowKey": {
      "type": "column",
      "mapping": {
        "destination": "rowKey",
        "primaryKey": true
    "updated_at": "updated_at",
    "business_name": "name",
    "result": "result"
  "incremental": true,
  "incrementalFetchingKey": "updated_at"

Raw mode – custom filter:

  "table": "my-table",
  "output": "output-table",
  "mode": "raw",
  "filter": "RowKey ge '2' and age gt 17"