
The Twitter data source connector, as the name implies, fetches data from Twitter.


Create a new configuration of the Twitter connector. Then click Authorize Account to authorize the configuration. When finished setting up authorization, click Continue to move to the next tab, and start selecting data.

Twitter Data Selection

Select Data

To configure what you want to fetch from Twitter, use the other four tabs displayed in the above pop-up window. It is okay to leave any of the steps blank.

  • User Timeline – Returns a collection of the most recent tweets posted by the user indicated by the Screen Name.

    Twitter Screen Name

  • Mentions – Returns mentions for the authenticating user.
  • Followers List – Returns a list of users following the specified user by their Screen Name.
  • Search – Searches tweets. Read more about search queries.
    • The Twitter Search API searches against a sampling of recent tweets published within the past 7 days.

Extraction Output Tables

The connector output is always incremental, and primary keys are set for all tables to append new rows and update the already existing ones with each execution.

The following are the Twitter connector output tables:

1 – Tweets

The Tweets table contains:

  • Tweets from the User Timeline, Mentions or Search tabs
  • Tweets attached to one of the above mentioned tweets. These are usually the original tweets that were retweeted and were referenced in the retweeted_status_id of the retweet.

The origin of a tweet is distinguished by a special keboola_source column with the following values for each source:

  • userTimelineUser Timeline
  • mentionsMentions
  • searchSearch

The table columns mirror the structure of the Twitter Tweet entity:

Column Description
id [PK] The integer representation of the unique identifier for the tweet.
created_at UTC time when this tweet was created.
favorite_count Indicates approximately how many times this tweet has been “liked” by Twitter users.
in_reply_to_screen_name If the represented tweet is a reply, this field will contain the screen name of the original Tweet’s author.
in_reply_to_status_id If the represented tweet is a reply, this field will contain the integer representation of the original tweet’s ID.
in_reply_to_user_id If the represented tweet is a reply, this field will contain the integer representation of the original tweet’s author ID. This will not necessarily always be the user directly mentioned in the tweet.
lang When present, it indicates a BCP 47 language identifier corresponding to the machine-detected language of the tweet text, or “und” if no language could be detected.
quoted_status_id This field only surfaces when the tweet is a quote tweet. This field contains the integer value tweet ID of the quoted tweet.
retweet_count Number of times this tweet has been retweeted. This field is no longer capped at 99 and will not turn into a string for “100+”
retweeted_status_id ID of the original tweet. Referenced tweet should be also in this table.
source Utility used to post the tweet as an HTML-formatted string.
text The actual UTF-8 text of the status update.
truncated Indicates whether the value of the text parameter was truncated, for example, as a result of a retweet exceeding the 280 character tweet length. Truncated text will end in ellipsis, like this … Since Twitter now rejects long tweets vs truncating them, the large majority of tweets will have this set to false.
user_id Reference to the user who posted this tweet. The referenced user can be found in users with id equals to user_id.
withheld_copyright When present and set to “true”, it indicates that this piece of content has been withheld due to a DMCA complaint.
keboola_source Source of the tweet - userTimeline, mentions or search. When the same tweet is the source of more targets (for instance, search and mentions), only one (later imported) source is set.

2 – Users

The Users table contains:

  • Users from the Followers List tab
  • Users attached to tweets

The origin of a user is distinguished by a special keboola_source column with the following values for each source:

  • Followers List - followersList
  • userTimeline, mentions, search - Derived from associated tweet

The table columns mirror the structure of Twitter User entity:

Column Description
id [PK] The integer representation of the unique identifier for this User.
created_at The UTC datetime that the user account was created on Twitter.
description The user-defined UTF-8 string describing their account.
favourites_count The number of tweets this user has favored in the account’s lifetime. British spelling is used in the field name for historical reasons.
followers_count The number of followers this account currently has. Under certain conditions of duress, this field will temporarily indicate “0.”
friends_count The number of users this account is following (AKA their “followings”). Under certain conditions of duress, this field will temporarily indicate “0.”
lang The BCP 47 code for the user’s self-declared user interface language. May or may not have anything to do with the content of their tweets.
name The name of the user, as they’ve defined it. Not necessarily a person’s name. Typically capped at 20 characters, but subject to change.
screen_name The screen name, handle, or alias that this user identifies themselves with. screen_names are unique but subject to change. Use id_str as a user identifier whenever possible. Typically a maximum of 15 characters long, but some historical accounts may exist with longer names.
statuses_count The number of tweets (including retweets) issued by the user.
keboola_source Source of the user - followersList, userTimeline, mentions or search. When the same tweet is the source of more targets (e.g. search and mentions), only one (later imported) source is set.

3 – tweets-user-mentions

This table contains the users mentioned in tweets.

Column Description
user_id [PK] ID of user
tweets_pk [PK] ID of tweet
name The name of the user, as they’ve defined it. Not necessarily a person’s name. Typically capped at 20 characters, but subject to change.
screen_name The screen name, handle, or alias that this user identifies themselves with. screen_names are unique but subject to change. Use id_str as a user identifier whenever possible. Typically a maximum of 15 characters long, but some historical accounts may exist with longer names.

4 – tweets-urls

This table contains the URLs included in the text of a tweet.

Column Description
tweets_pk [PK] ID of tweet
url [PK] Wrapped URL, corresponding to the value embedded directly into the raw tweet text.
display_url Version of the URL to display to clients.
expanded_url Expanded version of display_url.

5 – tweets-hashtags

This table contains the hashtags present in tweets.

Column Description
tweets_pk [PK] ID of tweet
text [PK] Name of the hashtag, minus the leading ‘#’ character.

Usage Limits

This data source connector is designed to download up to

  • 3,200 most recent user tweets (User Timeline)
  • 800 mentions (Mentions)
  • 3,000 followers (Followers List)
  • ~3,000 tweets (Tweet Search)

in one execution. Following executions will incrementally add newer data.

These limits follow the Twitter API Rate Limits.