Data Quality

This data flow template provides you with a set of Snowflake SQL procedures for the testing and monitoring of data quality.

Shared codes for data quality testing represent a set of Snowflake SQL procedures that can be used in a Snowflake SQL transformation to process various data tests and to log the test results into a unified table named DQ_RESULTS_LOG.

This set of procedures includes one that can conditionally ABORT transformation processing. This is useful when you want the processing to stop following a failed test, avoiding the spending of unnecessary credits and preventing the loading of corrupted data into your transformation outputs.

The flow, in a nutshell:

  • First we will create a set of shared codes – Snowflake SQL procedures for data quality tests and the logging of test results.

  • We will then create dummy datasets using a Python transformation.

  • Snowflake SQL transformations will use the generated dummy datasets to demonstrate how you can use the SQL procedures in your Snowflake SQL transformations.

  • Finally, data quality tests will produce a result log output table to be used for continuous monitoring of the results.


Data Quality Shared Codes

These are the available tests:

TEST_COLUMN_NULL_OR_EMPTY Tests for presence of Null (or empty string) values in a given column in a given table. Fails when there are more than 0 null values.
TEST_COLUMN_NULL Tests for presence of Null values in a given column in a given table. Fails when there are more than 0 null values.
TEST_COLUMN_UNIQUE Tests whether all records within a given set of columns in a given table are unique. Fails when there are more than 0 duplicate records.
TEST_TIME_SERIES_COMPLETE Tests whether there are more than X records in a table for each datepart (day, hour, …) in time series defined by date column. Fails when there are dates with fewer records than expected.
TEST_TIME_SERIES_COMPLETE_RANGE Tests whether there are more than X records in a table for each datepart (day, hour, …) in time series defined by date column in a provided range. Fails when there are dates with fewer records than expected.
TEST_COLUMN_FOREIGN_REF Tests whether each record’s reference key in a table matched a reference record in a given reference table. Fails when there are more than 0 records with no match.
TEST_SUM_IN_GROUPS_EQUAL Tests whether the sum of values in a given column in a group (optional) in a table is the same in two tables (groups in both tables can differ). Fails when the sum differs by more than 0.
TEST_ANOMALY_NUMERIC Tests anomalies in numeric columns based on a formula (mean() - value) > 2.5 * std()). In words - if a value in a column differs from the “average” value by more than a standard deviation, it’s an anomaly.
TEST_COLUMN_DATA_TYPE Tests whether a data type of a given column in a given table is of an expected data type
TEST_COLUMN_VALUE_DATA_TYPE Tests whether values in a given column in a given table are of an expected data type. Returns values that don’t match an expected data type. Useful for tables without defined data types.
TEST_VALUE_CONTAIN Tests whether a value in a given column in a given table contains a given string. Fails when a value doesn’t contain a given string.
TEST_VALUE_NOT_CONTAIN Opposite of test_value_contain. Fails when a value DOES contain a given string.
TEST_VALUE_BEGIN Tests whether a value in a given column in a given table begins with a given string. Fails when a value doesn’t begin with a given string.
TEST_VALUE_NOT_BEGIN Opposite of test_value_begin. Fails when a value DOES begin with a given string.
TEST_VALUE_END Tests whether a value in a given column in a given table ends with a given string. Fails when a value doesn’t end with a given string.
TEST_VALUE_NOT_ENDS Opposite of test_value_end. Fails when a value DOES end with a given string.
TEST_VALUE_REGEXP Tests whether a value in a given column in a given table matches a given regular expression. Fails when a value doesn’t match with a given regexp.
TEST_VALUE_NOT_REGEXP Opposite of test_value_regexp. Fails when a value DOES match with a given regexp.
TEST_TABLE_COMPARE_STRUCTURE Tests the structure of two tables. Compares a list of Column names (and data types) in both tables and fails if they differ.
TEST_TABLE_COMPARE_RECORDS Tests records in two tables. Compares all records and fails if they differ. Outputs the diff.
TEST_TABLE_EMPTY Test if a table is empty (contains zero records). If there are zero records, test fails.
TEST_VALUE_EQUAL Tests that each value in a given column in a given table equals a given value. Fails when a value is not equal to a given value.
TEST_VALUE_NOT_EQUAL Opposite of test_value_equal. Fails when a value IS equal to a given value.
TEST_VALUE_GREATER_THAN Tests that each value in a given column in a given table is greater than a given value. Fails when a value is NOT greater than a given value.
TEST_VALUE_LOWER_THAN Tests that each value in a given column in a given table is lower than a given value. Fails when a value is NOT lower than a given value.
TEST_VALUE_IN_RANGE Tests that each value in a given column in a given table is between two given values. Fails when a value is NOT in a given range.
TEST_VALUE_IN_SET Tests whether all values in a given column in a given table are in a given set of values. Fails when a value is not in a given set of values.

Table Description: DQ RESULT LOG

Column Name Description Sample Value
ID Unique identifier of a performed test 1d8fb4e8c486829db3387e429e0cb8a0
EXECUTION_TIME Timestamp of an executed test Mon, 23 Jan 2023 13:58:34 +0100
COMPONENT_ID Component identifier keboola.snowflake-transformation
CONFIGURATION_ID Unique identifier of a component configuration 943845068
RUN_ID Run ID (from job log) 943845595
TEST_QUERY Particular test query showing which attributes were used for a test TEST_COLUMN_FOREIGN_REF(‘orders’, ‘customers’, ‘order_id’, ‘pk’);….
TEST_RESULT_VALUE Result value - present if a test fails. Shows what values caused the test to fail. [{“OCCURENCES”:0,”OFFENDER”:”61”}
TEST_PARAMETERS Detail of TEST_QUERY parameters {“TABLE_NAME_MAIN” :”orders”, “COLUMN_NAME”: “order_id”, “TABLE_NAME_REF”: “customers”, “COLUMN_NAME_REF”: “pk”}
TEST_RESULT Result of a test (success/error) error
TEST_LEVEL Level of a test (WARNING/FAIL). Fail test level should be used for aborting a transformation/flow right after such error fails. WARNING

How to Use Template

The process is simple. You don’t need to configure anything. Just add the template to your project and then run it. Shared codes will be added to your project, and all steps of the flow will be executed in order to generate a sample SQL transformation, using the data tests and generating the result log table.

Select the corresponding template from the Templates tab in your Keboola project. When you are done, click + Use Template.

Add New Template

This page contains information about the template. Click + Use Template again.

Add Data Quality to Snowflake

You’ll be asked to write a name for the template instance you are about to create. You can use the template as many times as you want and still keep everything organized.

Data Quality to Snowflake - Template Name

After clicking Next Step, you will see the template builder. You do not need to edit any configuration.

Data Quality to Snowflake

When you are finished, click Save in the top right corner. The template builder will create your new configuration and when it is done you will see the newly created flow.

Click Run Template.

Data Quality to Google Sheets - Flows

Go to Transformations. You will find the newly added shared codes under the Shared Codes tab. The key shared code is the Data Quality Core. You will also find a new transformation Data Quality Core - Full Example, which shows how the shared codes can be used.

Data Quality Core Full Example

The transformation creates a new table in your Storage named DQ_RESULTS_LOG.

Important: Add the DQ_RESULT_LOG table to output mappings of each transformation for which you use the Data Quality Core shared code.

You will also find a transformation named Data Quality Core - ABORT/FAIL Example that demonstrates how to use the FAIL level of tests to ABORT a transformation in case such a test fails. It also uses the write_always parameter of output mapping in order to write the output even on a transformation error.

Data Quality Core Full Example