
Most of the things done in Keboola run as background, asynchronous jobs. For an overview of all jobs, running and finished, go to the Jobs section:

Screenshot - Jobs

All jobs are logged and their tracked history is virtually unlimited. Click on a job to see details on

  • what tables were imported (created by the job and imported into your Storage).
  • what tables were exported (read from your Storage by the job).
  • how many credits were used by running the job.
  • what events occurred during the job execution.
  • what exact parameters were used for the job (this might be useful when working with the API).

Screenshot - Jobs Detail

Searching the jobs log

Using the search box and advanced patterns you can easily find job based on various parameters.

Search attributes

Job status status:success
User who created the job
(Docker) Component name params.component:keboola.ex-http
component:docker params.component:keboola.ex-http
Config ID params.config:351711187
Duration durationSeconds:>120
Time started startTime:[2018-06-21 TO 2018-07-01]
Time finished endTime:[2018-06-21 TO 2018-07-01]
Component type component:transformation
(possible values are docker, transformation and orchestrator)


Exclude some results -status:success
(Note the minus sign before the query)
Open ended time query endTime:[2018-06-21 TO *]
Show jobs after 21st June 2018.

Useful examples

Failed orchestrations component:orchestrator status:error
Long running non-successful orchestrations (more than 2 hours) component:orchestrator durationSeconds:>7200 -status:success
Orchestrations which ended with warning component:orchestrator status:warning
Failed transformations component:transformation status:error
Failed jobs from Docker component HTTP data source connector params.component:keboola.ex-http status:error
Jobs from either HTTP data source or Google Sheets data destination connector params.component:(keboola.ex-http OR keboola.wr-google-sheets)
All non-successful jobs from either HTTP or Google Sheets writer params.component:(keboola.ex-http OR keboola.wr-google-sheets) AND -status:success

For more technical information about background jobs, see our Developers documentation.

Running Jobs

Jobs are either run manually from any configuration or automatically by the Orchestrator at a scheduled time. In either case, the typical life time of a job has the following states:

waiting –> processing –> success/error

Until a job is finished (i.e., it is waiting or processing), it can be terminated:

Screenshot - Terminate Job

Note that a job is not terminated immediately upon clicking the Terminate button. Its termination usually takes a few seconds.

In some cases, a job can have child jobs. They are identified by having their RunId delimited with a dot — e.g., 347371952.3473719650. In this case, the job 3473719650 run is in fact a child job to 347371952. Terminating the parent job will automatically terminate the child job too. Terminating the child job will probably cause the parent to terminate or fail.

Waiting Jobs

When a job is run, it is always put in the waiting state to wait for our infrastructureworker to start executing it. This usually takes anywhere from several seconds to a couple of minutes at most.

There is one more reason for a job to be in the waiting state: project parallelism limits. Either the same configuration of the same component is already being executed, or the overall limit of concurrently running jobs within a project was exceeded. That means that a job will be in the waiting state under the following conditions:

  • If the total number of running jobs in the project is greater or equal to 10.
  • If there is already a running job of the same configuration.
    • Unless it is a transformation job, in which case the same configuration is allowed to run, provided that it is executed by different tokens.

Storage Jobs

Not only we record all jobs executed in your Keboola project, we also record all data that was uploaded into it. Go to Storage and click the Jobs tab:

Screenshot - Storage Jobs

When you click an importTable job, you’ll see the Storage job detail:

Screenshot - Storage Job Detail

Clicking File ID will take you to the Files section in Storage, where all data pushed into your Keboola project is stored. You can download the data and import it into other tables, or you can revert to an older table version.

Screenshot - Files