Google Sheets

This data destination connector sends tables as worksheets into a single Google Sheets account. It allows you to write tables into individual sheets of a spreadsheet document and append rows into an existing sheet. Be aware that Google Sheets have strict limits on the size of the document. If you are getting close to them, use the Google Drive data destination connector to avoid failed writes.


Create a new configuration of the Google Sheets data destination connector. Then click Authorize Account to authorize the configuration. Then click the New Table button to add a new table:

Screenshot - Add Table Step 1

Select a table from Storage. You may also specify additional filters as well as incremental processing. All options may be modified later. Click Next to select whether to create a new file or write to an existing one:

Screenshot - Add Table Step 2

In the last step, you can select to which worksheet the data should be written and whether to append or overwrite worksheet rows. When worksheet rows are appended, the table header is written only when the worksheet is empty.

Screenshot - Add Table Step 3

When done, click the Save Sheet button to finish the table configuration. Configured tables are stored as configuration rows.