
YourPass enables users to create passes for mobile wallets; e.g., for boarding passes, loyalty points, or tickets.

The YourPass data destination connector uses the YourPass API to create/delete/update YourPass passes.


Create a new configuration of the YourPass data destination connector.

Authorization Configuration

Fill in the required authorization parameters:

  • Username: your YourPass username/email
  • Password: your YourPass password
  • Client Id: your YourPass client Id
  • Client secret: your YourPass client secret; if not specified, can be left empty.

Then you can toggle between sandbox mode and production mode using the checkbox. When the checkbox is checked, the sandbox mode is set.

Screenshot - YourPass authorization configuration

Save the configuration and then click Add Row to create a new row configuration.

Row Configuration


In the row configuration select the Pass endpoint to modify Pass data (only the pass endpoints are currently supported by the connector). Then select the exact action you want to perform :

  • Create : create a new pass
  • Delete : delete an existing pass based on an ID
  • Update : update an existing pass

For each action there are specific requirements for the input tables, these are explained in the Input file properties section.

Once all configurations are set, click save to save the configuration.

Screenshot - Input mapping

Input table mapping

Click New Table Input to add one table to the Input Mapping.

Screenshot - Input mapping

Input file properties

Each action (create/delete/update) on the pass requires different input data in a specific format, with headers of a specific name. The header names of the data in the input table should be in line with the header names of YourPass properties (case-sensitive).


To create passes, add a table into the input mapping with the following columns:


To delete passes, add a table into the input mapping with the following columns:

  • id (required)


To update passes, add a table into the input mapping with the following columns:

  • id (required)
  • templateId (required)
  • expirationDate (optional) - in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[.mmmmmm]Z ex.: “2021-10-30T14:00:00.000000Z”
  • dynamicData (optional) - flattened with an underscore as described in Adding dynamic data and dynamic images
  • dynamicImages (optional) - flattened with an underscore as described in Adding dynamic data and dynamic images
  • voided (optional) - is a boolean value : “True” or “False”

Adding dynamic data and dynamic images

All dynamic data and images should be flattened with an underscore.

  "templateId": "1101",
  "dynamicData": {
    "lastName": "Jedno",
    "fistName": "Tomáš"
  "dynamicImages": {
    "logo": "id-of-logo-image",
    "strip": {
      "cs": "id-of-czech-image"

Will be

  "templateId": "1101",
  "dynamicData_lastName": "Jedno",
  "dynamicData_fistName": "Tomáš"
  "dynamicImages_logo": "id-of-logo-image",
  "dynamicImages_strip_cs": "id-of-czech-image"