
This data source connector enriches input data using outputs from the Mapbox API and currently supports two endpoints: Isochrone and Matrix. The first computes areas accessible within the same travel time and distance; the latter endpoint provides travel times or distances between numerous points.


Before configuring the connector, you must get a Mapbox API token.

Supported Endpoints

Feature Description
Isochrone Coordinates reachable from a central point within the same travel time or distance
Matrix Travel times or distances between source and destination coordinates


First, enter the Mapbox API token in the connector configuration tab.

Then, create one or more row configurations.

Set a table input mapping, select the endpoint, and define specific parameters for that endpoint.

Optionally, specify the output table name.

When done, save the configuration.

Isochrone Parameters

For more information on the Isochrone API, see the official Isochrone API documentation.

To define the parameters, use the Isochrone API Playground.

Parameter Description
Routing profile Profile used for calculating travel time or distance
Source coordinate columns Names of columns in the input table with decimal degree coordinates
Contour type Choose time or distance for isochrone calculations
Contour value Specify one or multiple values and separate them by commas (in minutes for time, meters for distance). Maximum values are 60 minutes or 100,000 meters, respectively
Generalize A positive floating point value in meters for Douglas-Peucker generalization
Polygons Choose true for GeoJSON polygons or false for lines
Destination table name (optional) Name of the output table, defaults to configuration ID + endpoint name if not specified

Matrix Parameters

For more information on the Matrix API, see the official Matrix API documentation.

Parameter Description
Routing profile Profile for calculating duration or distance
Source coordinates columns Names of columns with in the input table with decimal degree coordinates
Destination coordinates column Column containing up to 24 longitude, latitude coordinates separated by semicolons, e.g., 14.538, 50.053; 13.538, 49.053
Annotations Choose duration, distance, or both
Destination table name (optional) Name of the output table, defaults to configuration ID + endpoint name if not specified


The output is a table with columns from the input mapping and additional columns for:

  • Each contour value in GeoJSON polygons or lines for the Isochrone endpoint.
  • A list of travel times or distances for the Matrix endpoint.