
PostgreSQL is an open-source database renowned for its advanced features, reliability, and performance. It enables the development of robust, scalable applications.

Our connectors support the most recent versions of PostgreSQL. You may choose different strategies to sync your data:

Query-Based Connector

This is a standard connector that performs queries against the source database to sync data. It is the simplest approach suitable for most use cases and allows for time-stamp based CDC replication.

They are all configured in the same way and have an advanced mode.

Their basic configuration is also part of the Tutorial - Loading Data with Database Extractor.

PostgreSQL Log-Based CDC

This connector uses the Debezium connector under the hood. The connector captures row-level changes in the schemas of a PostgreSQL database. It uses the pgoutput logical decoding output plug-in available in PostgreSQL 10+.

Public Beta Warning:
This feature is currently in public beta. Please provide feedback using the feedback button in your project.


This connector uses the Debezium connector under the hood. The connector captures row-level changes in the schemas of a PostgreSQL database. It uses the pgoutput logical decoding output plug-in available in PostgreSQL 10+. It is maintained by the PostgreSQL community, and used by PostgreSQL itself for logical replication. This plug-in is always present so no additional libraries need to be installed.

The first time it connects to a PostgreSQL server or cluster, the connector takes a consistent snapshot of all schemas. After that snapshot is complete, the connector continuously captures row-level changes that insert, update, and delete database content and that were committed to a PostgreSQL database.

Note: The component abstracts the underlying Debezium connector configuration and provides a simplified interface for the user. This means that only a subset of the Debezium connector capabilities are exposed to the user.


When the connector starts for the first time, it performs an initial consistent snapshot of your database. This snapshot establishes a baseline for the database’s current state.

The connector completes a series of tasks during the snapshot process, which vary depending on the selected snapshot mode and the table-locking policy in effect for the database.

You can choose from different snapshot modes in the Sync Options > Replication Mode configuration setting.

For more technical details on how snapshots work, see the official Debezium documentation.

Resumable Snapshots

The Debezium Postgres connector supports partially resumable snapshots, enabling the connector to recover from failures during the snapshot process, such as those caused by network issues or connector timeouts.

If a failure occurs during the snapshot phase, the connector logs a warning and gracefully terminates the job, saving the progress made up to that point. Upon restarting, the connector resumes the snapshot from the last known position, retrying the snapshot for the last unfinished table and any remaining tables.

Schema Drift

The connector seamlessly manages schema changes in the source database, such as ADD and DROP columns.

Schema changes are handled as follows:

  • ADD column
    • The new column is added to the destination table. Historic values will be empty (default values are not reflected).
  • DROP column
    • The column remains in the destination table.
    • Any NOT NULL constraint on the column is removed.
    • Values in the column will be NULL/EMPTY following its deletion in the source.

System Columns

Each result table includes the following system columns:

Name Base Type Note
KBC__OPERATION STRING Event type, e.g., r - read on init sync; c - INSERT; u - UPDATE; d - DELETE
KBC__EVENT_TIMESTAMP_MS TIMESTAMP Source database transaction timestamp. Represents milliseconds since epoch if native types are not enabled.
KBC__DELETED BOOLEAN True when the event is a delete event (indicating the record is deleted).
KBC__LSN INTEGER Log Sequence Number (LSN) of the transaction.
KBC__BATCH_EVENT_ORDER INTEGER Order of the events in the current batch (extraction). Can be used with KBC__EVENT_TIMESTAMP_MS to track the latest event per record (ID).

Data Type Mapping

MySQL datatypes are mapped to Keboola Base Types as follows:

Based on the selected JSON file, the base_type column in the table will be updated accordingly:

source_type base_type note
LTREE STRING Contains the string representation of a PostgreSQL LTREE value.

Other types are not supported, and such columns will be skipped from syncing.

Publication Creation

The connector requires a user with the rds_replication role.
To enable a user account other than the master account to initiate logical replication, you must grant the account the rds_replication role. For example,

grant rds_replication to <my_user>

There are several options for determining how publications are created. In general, it is best to manually create publications for the tables you want to capture before setting up the connector.

Manual publication creation

This is the recommended approach. Set the connector’s Publication Auto Create Mode to disabled. This way, the connector will not attempt to create a publication. A database administrator or the user configured for replication should create the publication before running the connector.

You can create a publication manually for a specific table, use the following SQL command:

CREATE PUBLICATION my_publication FOR TABLE my_table;

Or, to create a publication for all tables in a schema:


Then set the Publication Name in the connector configuration to my_publication.

Automatic publication creation

Note: To create a PostgreSQL publication, the connector must run as a user with the following privileges:

  • Replication privileges on the database to add tables to a publication.
  • CREATE privileges on the database to add publications.
  • SELECT privileges on the tables to copy the initial data. Table owners automatically have SELECT permission.

Set the connector’s Publication Auto Create Mode to one of the following options:


In this mode, the user must be a superuser to add all tables to the publication.

If a publication does not exist, the connector creates a publication for all tables in the database from which the connector captures changes, using the following SQL command: CREATE PUBLICATION <publication_name> FOR ALL TABLES;


To add tables to a publication, the user must be the table owner. If the source table already exists, you need a mechanism to share ownership with the original owner. To enable shared ownership, create a PostgreSQL replication group and add both the original table owner and the replication user to the group.


  • Create a replication group.
    CREATE ROLE `<replication_group>`;
  • Add the original owner of the table to the group.
    GRANT REPLICATION_GROUP TO <original_owner>;
  • Add the Debezium replication user to the group.
    GRANT REPLICATION_GROUP TO <replication_user>;
  • Transfer ownership of the table to .

Connector Publication Creation Process

  • If a publication exists, the connector uses it.
  • If no publication exists, the connector creates a new publication for tables matching the selected schemas and tables in the Datasource connector configuration. For example:
    CREATE PUBLICATION <publication_name> FOR TABLE <tbl1, tbl2, tbl3>
  • If the publication exists, the connector updates the publication for tables that match the current configuration. For example:
    ALTER PUBLICATION <publication_name> SET TABLE <tbl1, tbl2, tbl3>
Publication names

Note that each configuration of the connector creates a new publication with a unique name. The publication name contains configuration_id and, alternatively, branch_id if it’s a branch configuration. The publication name is generated as follows:

  • kbc_publication_{config_id}_prod” for production configuration
  • kbc_publication_{config_id}_dev_{branch_id}” for branch configuration.

Note: be careful when running configurations in a Development branch. Once the branch is deleted, the assigned publication still exists and it’s not deleted automatically. It is recommended to clean up any unused dev publications manually or using a script.

Slot names

Note that each configuration of the connector creates a new slot with a unique name. The slot name contains configuration_id and alternatively branch id if it’s a branch configuration. The slot name is generated as follows:

  • slot_kbc_{config_id}_prod” for production configuration
  • slot_kbc_{config_id}_dev_{branch_id}” for branch configuration.

Note: Be cautious when running configurations in a development branch. Once the branch is deleted, any created slots will still exist and are not deleted automatically. This can lead to increased WAL log size. It’s recommended to clean up any unused slots manually or with a script.

Performance considerations

Having multiple publications (connector configurations) can have performance implications. Each publication will have its own set of triggers and other replication mechanisms, which can increase the load on the database server. However, this can also be beneficial if different publications have different performance requirements or if they need to be replicated to different types of subscribers with different capabilities.

Replica Identity

REPLICA IDENTITY is a PostgreSQL-specific table-level setting that determines how much information is available to the logical decoding plug-in for UPDATE and DELETE events. Specifically, REPLICA IDENTITY controls what (if any) information about previous table column values is available during these events.

There are four possible values for REPLICA IDENTITY:

  • DEFAULT: This default behavior includes the previous values of the primary key columns in UPDATE and DELETE events, but only if the table has a primary key. For UPDATE events, only the primary key columns with changed values are included.
  • If a table does not have a primary key, the connector does not emit UPDATE or DELETE events for that table. Only create events are emitted for such tables. Tables without primary keys are typicallly used for appending messages, where UPDATE and DELETE events are not relevant.
  • NOTHING: UPDATE and DELETE events do not include any information about the previous values of table columns.
  • FULL: UPDATE and DELETE events include the previous values of all columns in the table.
  • INDEX index-name: UPDATE and DELETE events include the previous values of the columns specified in the given index. For UPDATE events, the new values for the indexed columns are also included.

Note: The connector can override the REPLICA IDENTITY for matched tables by using the Replica identity override values in the Replication Plugin Advanced Options configuration.

WAL Disk-Space Consumption

In certain cases, it is possible for PostgreSQL disk space consumed by WAL files to spike or increase out of the usual proportions. There are several possible reasons for this situation:

  • The LSN up to which the connector has received data is available in the confirmed_flush_lsn column of the server’s pg_replication_slots view. Data that is older than this LSN is no longer available, and the database is responsible for reclaiming the disk space.

    • Also in the pg_replication_slots view, the restart_lsn column contains the LSN of the oldest WAL that the connector might require. If the value for confirmed_flush_lsn regularly increases and the value of restart_lsn lags, the database needs to reclaim the space.
    • The database typically reclaims disk space in batch blocks. This is expected behavior, and no action by a user is necessary.
  • There are many updates in a database being tracked, but only a tiny number of updates are related to the table(s) and schema(s) for which the connector is capturing changes. This situation can be easily solved with periodic heartbeat events. Set the connector configuration property.

  • The PostgreSQL instance contains multiple databases and one of them is a high-traffic database. Debezium captures changes in another database that is low-traffic in comparison to the other database. Debezium then cannot confirm the LSN as replication slots work per database, and Debezium is not invoked. As WAL is shared by all databases, the amount used tends to grow until an event is emitted by the database for which Debezium is capturing changes. To overcome this, it is necessary to:
    • Enable periodic heartbeat record generation with the heartbeat > connector configuration property.
    • Regularly emit change events from the database for which Debezium is capturing changes.

A separate process would then periodically update the table by either inserting a new row or repeatedly updating the same row. PostgreSQL then invokes Debezium, which confirms the latest LSN and allows the database to reclaim the WAL space. This task can be automated by means of theheart beat > action query connector configuration property.

TIP: For users on AWS RDS with PostgreSQL, a situation similar to the high-traffic/low-traffic scenario can occur in an idle environment. AWS RDS causes writes to its own system tables to be invisible to clients on a frequent basis (5 minutes). Again, regularly emitting events solves the problem.

Enabling the Heartbeat queries


Before enabling the Heartbeat signals, the Heartbeat table must be created in the source database. Recommended heartbeat table schema:

INSERT INTO kbc.heartbeat (last_heartbeat) VALUES (NOW());

The connector will then perform an UPDATE query on that table in the selected interval. It is recommended that you use UPDATE query to avoid table bloat.

Enable the heartbeat signals:

  • Set the heartbeat > Heartbeat interval [ms] connector configuration property to the desired interval in milliseconds.
  • Set the heartbeat > Action query connector configuration property to the desired query that will be executed on the heartbeat table.
    • It is recommended to use the default UPDATE query: UPDATE kbc.heartbeat SET last_heartbeat = NOW()
  • Select the heartbeat table in the Datasource > Tables to sync configuration property to track the heartbeat table and make sure it is contained in the publication.


This connector uses the Debezium connector under the hood. The following instructions are partially taken from there.

This connector currently uses the native pgoutput logical replication stream support that is available only in PostgreSQL 10+. Currently, lower versions are not supported, but it is theoretically possible (please submit a feature request).

PostgreSQL Setup

For this connector to work, you must enable a replication slot and configure a user with sufficient privileges to perform the replication.

PostgreSQL in the Cloud

PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS

It is possible to capture changes in a PostgreSQL database that is running in link: Amazon RDS. To do this:

  • Set the instance parameter rds.logical_replication to 1.
  • Verify that the wal_level parameter is set to logical by running the query SHOW wal_level as the database RDS master user. This might not be the case in multi-zone replication setups. You cannot set this option manually. It is the link: automatically changed when the rds.logical_replication parameter is set to 1. If the wal_level is not set to logical after you make the preceding change, it is probably because the instance has to be restarted after the parameter group change. Restarts occur during your maintenance window, or you can initiate a restart manually.
  • Set the {prodname} parameter to pgoutput.
  • Initiate logical replication from an AWS account that has the rds_replication role. The role grants permissions to manage logical slots and to stream data using logical slots. By default, only the master user account on AWS has the rds_replication role on Amazon RDS. To enable a user account other than the master account to initiate logical replication, you must grant the account the rds_replication role. For example, grant rds_replication to _<my_user>_. You must have superuser access to grant the rds_replication role to a user. To enable accounts other than the master account to create an initial snapshot, you must grant SELECT permission to the accounts on the tables to be captured. For more information about security for PostgreSQL logical replication, see the link: PostgreSQL documentation.
PostgreSQL on Azure

It is possible to use {prodname} with Azure Database for PostgreSQL, which has support for the pgoutput logical decoding.

Set the Azure replication support to logical. You can use the link: Azure CLI or the Azure Portal to configure this. For example, to use the Azure CLI, here are the: az postgres server commands that you need to execute:

az postgres server configuration set --resource-group mygroup --server-name myserver --name azure.replication_support --value logical

az postgres server restart --resource-group mygroup --name myserver
PostgreSQL on CrunchyBridge

It is possible to use {prodname} with CrunchyBridge; logical replication is already turned on. The pgoutput plugin is available. You will have to create a replication user and provide the correct privileges.

Configuring the PostgreSQL server

. To configure the replication slot regardless of the decoder being used, specify the following in the postgresql.conf file:

wal_level = logical             // Instructs the server to use logical decoding with the write-ahead log.

Depending on your requirements, you may have to set other PostgreSQL streaming replication parameters when using {prodname}. Examples include max_wal_senders and max_replication_slots for increasing the number of connectors that can access the sending server concurrently and wal_keep_size for limiting the maximum WAL size which a replication slot will retain. For more information about configuring streaming replication, see the link:[PostgreSQL documentation].

Debezium uses PostgreSQL’s logical decoding, which uses replication slots. Replication slots are guaranteed to retain all WAL segments required for Debezium even during Debezium outages. For this reason, it is important to closely monitor replication slots to avoid excessive disk consumption and other conditions that can happen, such as catalog bloat if a replication slot stays unused for too long. For more information, see the PostgreSQL streaming replication documentation.

If you are working with a synchronous_commit setting other than on, the recommendation is to set wal_writer_delay to a value such as 10 milliseconds to achieve a low latency of change events. Otherwise, its default value is applied, which adds a latency of about 200 milliseconds.

TIP: Reading and understanding PostgreSQL documentation about the mechanics and configuration of the PostgreSQL write-ahead log is strongly recommended. endif::community[]

Setting Up Permissions

The connector requires appropriate permissions to:

  • SELECT tables (to perform initial syncs)
  • rds_replication

The connector requires a user with the rds_replication role.
To enable a user account other than the master account to initiate logical replication, you must grant the account the rds_replication role. For example, grant rds_replication to <my_user>.

Setting up a PostgreSQL server to run a Debezium connector requires a database user who can perform replications. Replication can be performed only by a database user with appropriate permissions and only for a configured number of hosts.

Although superusers have the necessary REPLICATION and LOGIN roles by default, it is best not to provide the Keboola replication user with elevated privileges. Instead, create a Keboola user with the minimum required privileges.

PostgreSQL administrative permissions.

To provide a user with replication permissions, define a PostgreSQL role that has at least the REPLICATION and LOGIN permissions, and then grant that role to the user. For example:


Setting privileges to enable Keboola to create PostgreSQL publications when you use pgoutput:

Keboola(Debezium) streams change events for PostgreSQL source tables from publications that are created for the tables. Publications contain a filtered set of change events that are generated from one or more tables. The data in each publication is filtered based on the publication specification. The specification can be created by the PostgreSQL database administrator or by the {prodname} connector. To permit the {prodname} PostgreSQL connector to create publications and specify the data to replicate to them, the connector must operate with specific privileges in the database.

There are several options for determining how publications are created. In general, it is best to manually create publications for the tables that you want to capture, before you set up the connector. However, you can configure your environment to permit the Keboola connector to create publications automatically, and to specify the data that is added to them.

The Keboola connector uses include-list and exclude-list properties to specify how data is inserted in the publication.

For the Keboola connector to create a PostgreSQL publication, it must run as a user that has the following privileges:

  • Replication privileges in the database to add the table to a publication.
  • CREATE privileges on the database to add publications.
  • SELECT privileges on the tables to copy the initial table data. Table owners automatically have SELECT permission for the table.

To add tables to a publication, the user must be the owner of the table. However, because the source table already exists, you need a mechanism to share ownership with the original owner. To enable shared ownership, you create a PostgreSQL replication group and then add the existing table owner and the replication user to the group.

  1. Create a replication group.
CREATE ROLE _<replication_group>_;
  1. Add the original owner of the table to the group.
GRANT REPLICATION_GROUP TO __<original_owner>__;
  1. Add the {prodname} replication user to the group.
GRANT REPLICATION_GROUP TO __<replication_user>__;
  1. Transfer ownership of the table to <replication_group>.


Connection Settings


  • Host: The hostname of the MySQL server.
  • Port: The port number of the MySQL server.
  • User: The username to be used to connect to the MySQL server.
  • Password: The password to be used to connect to the MySQL server.

SSH tunnel

You may opt to use an SSH Tunnel to secure your connection. The [developer documentation]( provides detailed instructions for setting up an SSH tunnel. While setting up an SSH tunnel requires some work, it is the most reliable and secure option for connecting to your database server.

Data Source


  • Schemas: The schemas to be included in the CDC.
  • Tables: The tables to be included in the CDC. If left empty, all tables in the selected schemas will be included.

Column filters

The column filters are used to specify which columns should be included in the extraction. The list can be defined as a comma-separated list of fully-qualified names, i.e., in the form schemaName.tableName.columnName.

To match the name of a column, the connector applies the regular expression that you specify as an anchored regular expression. The expression is used to match the entire name string of the column; it does not match substrings that might be present in a column name.

TIP: To test your regex expressions, you can use online tools such as this one.

  • Column Filter Type: The column filter type to be used. The following options are available:
    • None: No filter applied, all columns in all tables will be extracted.
    • Include List: The columns to be included in the CDC.
    • Exclude List: The columns to be excluded from the CDC.
  • Column List: List of the fully qualified column names or regular expressions that match the columns to be included or excluded (based on the selected filter type).

Column Masks

Column masks are used to mask sensitive data in the extraction. Specify a comma-separated list of fully qualified column names in the format schemaName.tableName.columnName.

The connector applies the specified expression as an anchored regular expression to match the full column name, not partial substrings that may appear in the name.


There are two types of masks available:

Length mask

This mask replaces the length of string columns in the output data with a specified number of * characters.

For more details, refer to the Debezium documentation.

Hash mask

This mask hashes string columns in the output data using a selected algorithm and salt.

You may choose from various hashing algorithms, such as SHA-256, SHA-512, MD5, and SHA-1. Based on the hash function used, referential integrity is maintained while column values are replaced with pseudonyms. Supported hash functions are described in the MessageDigest section of the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation.

Note: Hashing strategy version 2 is used to ensure consistency across job runs and configurations.

For more details, refer to the Debezium documentation.

Sync Options


  • Replication Mode: The replication mode to be used. The following options are available:
    • Standard: The connector performs an initial consistent snapshot of each of your databases and reads the binlog from the point at which the snapshot was made.
    • Changes only: The connector reads the changes from the binlog immediately, skipping the initial load.
  • Binary data handler: Specifies how binary columns, for example, blob, binary, and varbinary, should be represented in change events. The following options are available:
    • Base64: represents binary data as a base64-encoded String.
    • Base64-url-safe: represents binary data as a base64-url-safe-encoded String.
    • Hex: represents binary data as a hex-encoded (base16) String.
    • Bytes: represents binary data as a byte array.
  • Snapshot Fetch Size: During a snapshot, the connector reads table content in batches of rows. This property specifies the maximum number of rows in a batch. The default value is 10240.
  • Snapshot Statement Override - Define a custom SQL SELECT statement to be used for fetching the initial snapshot.


Enable heartbeat signals to prevent the consumption of WAL disk space. The connector will periodically emit a heartbeat signal to the selected table.


Note: The heartbeat signal must also be selected in the Datasource > Tables to sync configuration property. For more information, see the WAL disk space consumption section.

  • Heartbeat interval [ms]: The interval in milliseconds at which the heartbeat signal is emitted. The default value is 3000 (3 s).
  • Action Query: The query that the connector uses to send heartbeat signals to the source database. The query must be a valid SQL statement that the source database can execute, and the heartbeat table must be tracked in the Source settings.

Replication Plugin Advanced Options

These parameters control whether the connector creates a publication and how it is created. It is recommended to create publications manually before setting up the connector. Automatic creation works only if the user has owner permissions on the tables.

More information about the publication creation process can be found in the Publication Creation section.


  • Publication Auto Create Mode: The mode specifying how the connector creates publications. The following options are available:
    • disabled: The connector does not create a publication. A database administrator or the user configured for replication should create the publication before running the connector.
    • all_tables: The connector creates a publication for all tables in the database from which the connector captures changes. The user must be a superuser to add all tables to the publication.
    • filtered: The connector creates a publication for tables that match the current configuration. The user must be the table owner to add tables to a publication.
  • Publication Name: The name of the publication to be used by the connector. The publication name is generated based on the configuration ID and, optionally, the branch ID.
  • Replica identity override values: This option overwrites the existing value in the database. A list of regular expressions matches fully qualified tables and replica identity values to be used in the table.
    • If you wish to keep previous values on DELETED records, the replica identity must be set to FULL; otherwise, all values except the primary key will be empty on deleted records.
    • Leave empty to keep the database default.
    • For more information, see the Replica Identity section.


The destination is a mandatory configuration option that specifies how the data is loaded into the destination tables.


Load type

The Load Type configuration option specifies how the data is loaded into the destination tables.

The following options are available:

  • Incremental Load - Deduplicated: The connector upserts records into the destination table. The connector uses the primary key to perform an upsert. The connector does not delete records from the destination table.
  • Incremental Load - Append: The connector produces no primary key. The order of the events will be given by the KBC__EVENT_TIMESTAMP_MS column + helper KBC__BATCH_EVENT_ORDER column which contains the order in one batch.
  • Full Load - Deduplicated: The destination table data will be replaced with the current batch and deduplicated by the primary key.
  • Full Load - Append: The destination table data will be replaced with the current batch, which will not be deduplicated.