
This data source connector fetches data from Intercom.


Before you start, have a working Intercom account with a plan (a trial will work as well). Create a new configuration of the Intercom connector. Then click Authorize Account to authorize the configuration.

Choose one of the configuration templates available: Basic or Conversations and Save the configuration. You can also switch to the JSON editor.

Screenshot - Intercom configuration


The basic template downloads all

  • users (tables users, users_tags, users_segments, users_companies and users_social_profiles)
  • notes (table notes)
  • summary of events for each user (table events_summary)
  • leads (tables leads, leads_tags, leads_segments, leads_companies and leads_social_profiles)
  • companies (table companies)
  • admins (table admins)
  • tags (table tags)
  • segments (table segments)


The conversations template downloads all

  • conversations (tables conversations, conversations_attachments, conversations_tags and conversations_customers)
  • conversation parts (tables conversation_parts and conversation_parts_attachments)

Downloaded Tables

All custom_attributes and metadata properties are stored as a serialized JSON string. Due to the customized structure of this object we are unable to prepare a fixed structure. To parse the serialized JSON, use, for example, a Snowflake transformation that can easily parse JSON objects.


The table users lists all Users and has the following columns:

Column Description
type Value is user
id The Intercom defined id representing the user
created_at The time the user was added to Intercom
signed_up_at The time the user signed up
updated_at The last time the user was updated
email The email you have defined for the user
phone The phone number of the user
user_id The user id you have defined for the user
last_request_at The time the user last recorded making a request
session_count How many sessions the user has recorded
unsubscribed_from_emails Whether the user is unsubscribed from emails
marked_email_as_spam Undocumented
has_hard_bounced Undocumented
user_agent_data Data about the last user agent the user was seen using
last_seen_ip An ip address (e.g. “”) representing the last ip address the user visited your application from. (Used for updating location_data)
pseudonym The pseudonym used if this user was previously a Lead
anonymous Whether or not this is a Lead. Always false
name The full name of the user
location_data_city_name A city name
location_data_continent_code A continent code
location_data_country_code An ISO 3166 country code
location_data_country_name The country name
location_data_latitude The latitude
location_data_longitude The longitude
location_data_postal_code A postal code
location_data_region_name A region name
location_data_timezone An ISO 8601 timezone
avatar_image_url An avatar image URL
custom_attributes Serialized JSON of all custom attributes for the user object


This table records relations between users and tags.

Column Description
type Value is tag
id [FK] Tag identifier (
users_pk [FK] User identifier (


This table records relations between users and segments.

Column Description
type Value is segment
id [FK] Segment identifier (
users_pk [FK] User identifier (


This table records relations between users and companies.

Column Description
type Value is company
id [FK] Company identifier (
users_pk [FK] User identifier (


This table lists social profiles attached to the user.

Column Description
type Value is social_profile
id User ID on the service
name The name of the service (e.g., twitter, facebook)
username User name or handle on the service
url The user homepage on the service
users_pk [FK] User identifier (


This table lists all Notes.

Column Description
type Value is note
id [PK] The id representing the note
created_at The time the note was created
body The body text of the note
user_type The user type the note was created about, usually user
user_id [FK] The user id the note was created about
author_type Represents the Admin type that created the note, usually admin
author_id [FK] Represents the Admin id that created the note


This table lists Event Summaries for each user.

Column Description
user_id [FK] The user id
name Event name
count Event count
first Time of first event
last Time of last event
description Event description


This table lists Leads.

Column Description
type Value is contact
id The Intercom defined id representing the Lead
created_at The time the Lead was added to Intercom
updated_at The last time the Lead was updated
user_id Automatically generated identifier for the Lead
email The email you have defined for the Lead
name The name of the Lead
phone The phone number you have defined for the lead
anonymous Undocumented
pseudonym Undocumented
last_request_at The time the Lead last recorded making a request
unsubscribed_from_emails Whether the Lead is unsubscribed from emails
location_data_city_name A city name
location_data_continent_code A continent code
location_data_country_code An ISO 3166 country code
location_data_country_name The country name
location_data_latitude The latitude
location_data_longitude The longitude
location_data_postal_code A postal code
location_data_region_name A region name
location_data_timezone An ISO 8601 timezone
avatar_image_url An avatar image URL
user_agent_data Data about the last user agent the Lead was seen using
last_seen_ip An ip address (e.g. “”) representing the last ip address the Lead visited your application from
remote_created_at Undocumented
signed_up_at Undocumented
session_count Undocumented
marked_email_as_spam Undocumented
has_hard_bounced Undocumented
custom_attributes Serialized JSON of all custom attributes for the Leads object


This table records relations between leads and tags.

Column Description
type Value is tag
id [FK] Tag identifier (
leads_pk [FK] Lead identifier (


This table records relations between leads and segments.

Column Description
type Value is segment
id [FK] Segment identifier (
leads_pk [FK] Lead identifier (


This table records relations between leads and companies.

Column Description
type Value is company
id [FK] Company identifier (
leads_pk [FK] Lead identifier (


This table lists the social profiles attached to all users.

Column Description
type Value is social_profile
id User ID on the service
name The name of the service (e.g., twitter, facebook)
username User name or handle on the service
url The user homepage on the service
leads_pk [FK] Lead identifier (


This table lists all Companies.

Column Description
type Value is company
id [PK] The Intercom defined id representing the company
created_at The time the company was added to Intercom
remote_created_at The time the company was created by you
updated_at The last time the company was updated
company_id The company id you have defined for the company
name The name of the company
session_count How many sessions the company has recorded
monthly_spend How much revenue the company generates for your business
user_count The number of users in the company
plan The name of the plan you have associated with the company
custom_attributes Serialized JSON of all custom attributes for the Company object


This table lists all Admins.

Column Description
type Value is admin or team
id [PK] The id of the admin or team
name The name of the admin or team
email The email address of the admin. This attribute is null for teams


This table lists all Tags.

Column Description
type Value is tag
id [PK] The id of the tag
name The name of the tag


This table lists all Segments.

Column Description
type Value is segment
id [PK] The id representing the segment
name The name of the segment
created_at The time the segment was created
updated_at The time the segment was updated
count The number of items in the segment
person_type Type of the record: user or lead


This table lists all Conversations.

Column Description
type Value is conversation
id [PK] The id representing the conversation
created_at The time the conversation was created
updated_at The last time the conversation was updated
waiting_since The last time a customer responded to an admin. In other words, the time a customer started waiting for a response.
snoozed_until If set this is the time in the future when this conversation will be marked as open. i.e. it will be in a snoozed state until this time
user_type The user type the conversation concerns
user_id The user id the conversation concerns
assignee_type The admin type the conversation is currently assigned to
assignee_id The admin id the conversation is currently assigned to. Note nobody_admin indicates the conversation is assigned to Nobody.
conversation_message_type value is conversation_message
conversation_message_id The id representing the message
conversation_message_subject The message subject
conversation_message_body The message body (plaintext)
conversation_message_author_type The Admin type that created the message
conversation_message_author_id The Admin id created the message
conversation_message_url The URL the User started a conversation on
open Indicates whether a conversation is open (true) or closed (false)
read Indicates whether a conversation has been read
state Can be set to open, closed or snoozed.


This table lists all attachments for all conversations.

Column Description
type Undocumented
name Undocumented
url Undocumented
content_type Undocumented
filesize Undocumented
width Undocumented
height Undocumented
conversations_pk [FK] Conversation identifier (


This table lists all customers (users or leads) involved in each conversation.

Column Description
type user or conversation (lead)
id User or Lead id
conversations_pk [FK] Conversation identifier (


This table records relations between conversations and tags.

Column Description
type Value is tag
id [FK] Tag identifier (
conversations_pk [FK] Conversation identifier (


This table lists all Conversation parts.

Column Description
type Value is conversation_part
id [PK] The id representing the conversation part
part_type The type of conversation part
body The body of the comment
created_at The time the conversation part was created
updated_at The last time the conversation part was updated
notified_at The time the user was notified with the conversation part
assigned_to_type The type of the admin that the conversation is assigned to
assigned_to_id The ID of the admin that the conversation is assigned to (not null only when part_type: assignment)
author_type The user or admin type that created the part
author_id The user or admin id that created the part
external_id Undocumented


This table lists all attachments for each conversation part.

Column Description
type Undocumented
name Undocumented
url Undocumented
content_type Undocumented
filesize Undocumented
width Undocumented
height Undocumented
conversation_parts_pk [FK] Conversation identifier (