Gmail Messages

The Gmail Messages data source connector allows you to fetch data from your Gmail account.


Create a new configuration of the Gmail Messages connector. Then click Authorize Account to authorize the configuration. Your inbox is accessed as read only.

Gmail - authorize account

Reading email messages is considered very sensitive by Google. This means that authorization may often be rejected and the app may show as blocked or not-verified. In such a case, we recommend that you use Custom OAuth Credentials. Generally using Custom OAuth credentials is the preferred authorization option, although it is more complicated.

Custom OAuth Credentials

  1. Visit the Google API Console.
  2. Select an existing project or create a new one. Click Enable APIs and Services.

    Screenshot - Google API Console - Project

  3. Select the Gmail API and Enable it. You should then see it in the list of enabled APIs.

    Screenshot - Google API Console - API list

  4. Select the Credentials section from the menu on the left, click the Create Credentials button, and select OAuth client ID.

    Screenshot - Google API Console - Create Credentials

  5. Choose Web Application. Into Authorized redirect URIs insert:
    • or
    • or

    Depending on which stack you are using or planning to use.

    Screenshot - Google API Console - Fill Credentials

  6. Click Create and a pop-up window will display your new client ID and client secret credentials.
  7. You can now use these credentials in the Custom Authorization tab when authorizing the Google Analytics connector.

    Screenshot - Custom Authorization


Fill in the form to fit your needs.

Gmail - configure queries

  • Query – Query to filter your messages. To speed up the extraction, be as specific as possible. For more detailed information about querying, follow Google’s Advanced Search help site.
  • Headers (optional) – Headers you want to download. If no headers are specified, all headers will be downloaded.

Don’t forget to Save the configuration.

Produced Tables

Data are always imported incrementally. The data source connector produces several tables that can be joined together.


Queries and their messages; it is good to know which query a message came from.

query messageId 9876cbd54bd215a6 1234abcd2ffdc1d6


A base table of messages:

id threadId
9876cbd54bd215a6 1234abcd2ffdc1d6
1234abcd2ffdc1d6 1234abcd2ffdc1d6

Tip: You can group your messages to conversations with GROUP BY threadId.


All downloaded headers:

messageId name value
1234abcd2ffdc1d6 From News <>
1234abcd2ffdc1d6 Subject Trending News


All downloaded message parts:

messageId partId mimeType bodySize bodyData
1234abcd2ffdc1d6 0 text/plain 26 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
1234abcd2ffdc1d6 1 text/html 33 <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>

Note: Only parts with text/plain and text/html mime types are downloaded.