The dbt Cloud Job Trigger is used for triggering dbt Cloud jobs.
Create a new configuration of the dbt Cloud Job Trigger application. Then fill in your Account ID, Job ID and API key. You also have the option to choose a custom Cause message to identify the trigger. It saves the response from triggerRun into the table dbt_cloud_trigger. If you check the Wait for result option, the component will wait for the job to finish for the maximum time set via the parameter max_wait_time after it has been triggered. Then it will store the result of getRunById into the table dbt_cloud_run. It will also store all available artifacts.
You can find out how to get a service account token in the dbt Cloud documentation.
In order to be able to use Keboola artifacts, the project must have the artifact
feature enabled. You can find more information about this in Keboola’s docs.
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